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26 Jul 2024 at 01:35
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Bibliography on: Mesothelioma and Asbestos


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Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Mesothelioma is a rare, but deadly form of cancer that is often (nearly always) associated with prior exposure to asbestos. The latency between exposure and disease onset is long, usually 20-50 years, making this a difficult cause-effect system to study.

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RevDate: 2024-07-17

Neilly MDJ, Pearson J, Thu AW, et al (2024)

Contemporary management of mesothelioma.

Breathe (Sheffield, England), 20(2):230175.

Pleural mesothelioma (PM) is an aggressive asbestos-associated thoracic malignancy with a median survival of 12-18 months. Due to continued asbestos use in many nations, global incidence is rising. Causes due to non-occupational, environmental exposure are also rising in many countries despite utilisation bans. For many years, platinum--pemetrexed chemotherapy was the solitary licensed therapy, but first-line combination immune checkpoint blockade has recently demonstrated improved outcomes, with both regimes tested in predominantly late-stage cohorts. In the second-line setting, single-agent nivolumab has been shown to extend survival and is now available for routine use in some regions, while second-line chemotherapy has no proven role and opportunities for clinical trials should be maximised in relapsed disease. Surgery for "technically resectable" disease has been offered for decades in many expert centres, but the recent results from the phase III MARS2 trial have challenged this approach. There remains no robustly proven standard of care for early-stage PM. The clinical trial landscape for PM is complex and increasingly diverse, making further development of specialist PM multidisciplinary teams an important priority in all countries. The observation of improving outcomes in centres that have adopted this service model emphasises the importance of high-quality diagnostics and equitable access to therapies and trials. Novel therapies targeting a range of aberrations are being evaluated; however, a better understanding of the molecular drivers and their associated vulnerabilities is required to identify and prioritise treatment targets.

RevDate: 2024-07-17

Cravero JC, Yakubik T, Wahab L, et al (2024)

Primary Peritoneal Mesothelioma Affecting the Greater Omentum That Mimicked an Omental Infarction: A Case Report.

Case reports in oncology, 17(1):596-601.

INTRODUCTION: Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare cancer that is associated with asbestos exposure. The diagnosis can be difficult given the nonspecific nature of presenting symptoms and the presence of concomitant confounding findings.

CASE PRESENTATION: We report a 71-year-old male who presented with right lower quadrant pain and new-onset ascites. CT imaging of the abdomen/pelvis demonstrated omental stranding concerning for a possible omental infarction. Subsequent imaging showed persistent omental edema but no identifiable soft tissue mass. A biopsy of the omentum showed atypical mesothelial proliferation, but pathology was unable to determine if proliferation was a neoplastic versus reactive process. Surgical oncology performed a diagnostic laparoscopy that showed peritoneal studding of the omentum. Subsequent immunohistochemical staining of the omentum demonstrated preservation of BAP1 expression and loss of MTAP expression, consistent with peritoneal mesothelioma.

CONCLUSION: MPM is a rare and aggressive cancer with an overall poor prognosis. The diagnosis of MPM can be difficult based on the nonspecific clinical presentation, insufficient imaging and laboratory testing, and the presence of concomitant confounding findings, such as with this patient and his admitting diagnosis of omental infarction. This case demonstrates the importance of developing a broad differential while maintaining an awareness of heuristics that can influence clinical decision-making.

RevDate: 2024-07-17
CmpDate: 2024-07-17

Khan S, Malik A, Qureshi S, et al (2024)

Incidental Diagnosis of Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma During Liver Transplantation Surgery: A Case Report.

The American journal of case reports, 25:e943787 pii:943787.

BACKGROUND Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare, lethal tumor of serous membranes. The most common factor reported in association with MPM is asbestos exposure, while viral infections, genetic predisposition, paraneoplastic syndrome, and altered immunity have been described as well. The diagnosis can be challenging among those with lower tumor burden as well as nonspecific symptoms, and it is not unusual to discover the diagnosis incidentally. CASE REPORT A middle-aged woman with decompensated cirrhosis underwent extensive pre-transplant workup, showing no evidence of malignancy. She had a personal history of asbestos exposure and family history of MPM in the extended family. During transplant surgery, a few peritoneal nodules were noted, leading to termination of the procedure. Pathological analysis confirmed malignant MPM. A multidisciplinary discussion led to following a conservative treatment approach without any intervention, due to higher risk of worsening hepatic decompensation associated with peritonectomy and intraperitoneal chemotherapy. The patient's hepatic decompensation resolved 6 months after the aborted liver transplant operation. Since the diagnosis of MPM, positron emission tomography scans have shown no recurrence of MPM for 3 consecutive years. CONCLUSIONS This is the first case of MPM diagnosed incidentally during a liver transplantation surgery. This case highlights the challenges in the diagnosis and management of MPM in a patient with decompensated liver disease. A multidisciplinary approach and following a consensus decision led to prolonged survival in the described patient.

RevDate: 2024-07-16

Costa A, Forte IM, Pentimalli F, et al (2024)

Pharmacological inhibition of CDK4/6 impairs diffuse pleural mesothelioma 3D spheroid growth and reduces viability of cisplatin-resistant cells.

Frontiers in oncology, 14:1418951.

INTRODUCTION: Diffuse pleural mesothelioma (DPM) of the pleura is a highly aggressive and treatment-resistant cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Despite multimodal treatment, the prognosis for DPM patients remains very poor, with an average survival of 2 years from diagnosis. Cisplatin, a platinum-based chemotherapy drug, is commonly used in the treatment of DPM. However, the development of resistance to cisplatin significantly limits its effectiveness, highlighting the urgent need for alternative therapeutic strategies. New selective inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) have shown promise in various malignancies by inhibiting cell cycle progression and suppressing tumor growth. Recent studies have indicated the potential of abemaciclib for DPM therapy, and a phase II clinical trial has shown preliminary encouraging results.

METHODS: Here, we tested abemaciclib, palbociclib, and ribociclib on a panel of DPM cell lines and non-tumor mesothelial(MET-5A) cells.

RESULTS: Specifically, we focused on abemaciclib, which was the mosteffective cytotoxic agent on all the DPM cell lines tested. Abemaciclib reduced DPM cell viability, clonogenic potential, and ability to grow as three-dimensional (3D) spheroids. In addition, abemaciclib induced prolonged effects, thereby impairing second-generation sphere formation and inducing G0/G1 arrest and apoptosis/ necrosis. Interestingly, single silencing of RB family members did not impair cell response to abemaciclib, suggesting that they likely complement each other in triggering abemaciclib's cytostatic effect. Interestingly, abemaciclib reduced the phosphorylation of AKT, which is hyperactive in DPM and synergized with the pharmacological AKT inhibitor (AKTi VIII). Abemaciclib also synergized with cisplatin and reduced the viability of DPM cells with acquired resistance to cisplatin.

DISCUSSION: Overall, our results suggest that CDK4/6 inhibitors alone or in combination with standard of care should be further explored for DPM therapy.

RevDate: 2024-07-15

Sonobe H, Omote R, Habara T, et al (2024)

A Rare Case of Pleural Epithelioid Mesothelioma With a Prominent Myxoid Stroma Reported With Morphology, Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization, and Ultrastructural Findings.

Cureus, 16(6):e62212.

Herein, we report a rare case of pleural epithelioid malignant mesothelioma with a prominent myxoid stroma. To date, detailed morphological or molecular pathological findings have not been reported for this type of tumor. Hence, we aimed to describe the cytological, histological, immuno-cytohistological, electron-microscopic, and molecular pathological findings using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in such a case. The patient was a male in his mid-sixties with a history of asbestos exposure and had originally visited the hospital with a persistent cough and fever. Chest radiography revealed left pleural effusion, and laboratory examination revealed a high titer for hyaluronic acid in the effusion. Additionally, computed tomography revealed diffuse multinodular or cystic lesions in the left parietal pleura, and pleural effusion cytology revealed large epithelioid cells with mild nuclear atypia, which were considered reactive mesothelial cells. Cytologically, Giemsa staining revealed that these cells harbored variously sized intracytoplasmic vacuoles that were Alcian-blue-positive, suggesting hyaluronan production. Biopsy revealed large epithelioid cells that loosely proliferated against a prominent myxoid background. These cells were immuno-positive for calretinin, Wilms' tumor 1, D2-40, vimentin, and cytokeratin AE1/AE3 but not for carcinoembryonic antigen, Ber-EP4, or desmin. BRCA 1 associated protein 1 immunostaining showed nuclear loss, and FISH showed homozygous deletion of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (p16) on chromosome 9p21. Based on these findings, the lesion was diagnosed as an epithelioid mesothelioma with a prominent myxoid stroma. Electron-microscopy demonstrated a dense microvillus pattern on the surface of the tumor cells, indicating a mesothelial cell origin, and variously sized vacuoles in the cytoplasm, confirming the presence of intracytoplasmic vacuoles demonstrated on cytology. The tumor tissues obtained during surgery harbored prominent myxoid stroma, which proved that the present tumor was consistent with this type of mesothelioma. After informed consent was obtained, the patient and family wished for total resection of the tumor and postoperative chemotherapy, and the patient eventually died eight months after surgery.

RevDate: 2024-07-14

Zandwijk NV, Frank AL, Reid G, et al (2024)

Asbestos-Related lung Cancer: An underappreciated oncological issue.

Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 194:107861 pii:S0169-5002(24)00395-7 [Epub ahead of print].

Asbestos, a group of class I (WHO) carcinogenic fibers, is the main cause of mesothelioma. Asbestos inhalation also increases the risk to develop other solid tumours with lung cancer as the most prominent example [91]. The incidence of asbestos-related lung cancer (ARLC) is estimated to be to six times larger than the mesothelioma incidence thereby becoming an important health issue [86]. Although the pivotal role of asbestos in inducing lung cancer is well established, the precise causal relationships between exposures to asbestos, tobacco smoke, radon and 'particulate' (PM2.5) air pollution remain obscure and new knowledge is needed to establish appropriate preventive measures and to tailor existing screening practices[22,61,65]. We hypothesize that a part of the increasing numbers of lung cancer diagnoses in never-smokers can be explained by (historic and current) exposures to asbestos as well as combinations of different forms of air pollution (PM2.5, asbestos and silica).

RevDate: 2024-07-12
CmpDate: 2024-07-12

Mirabelli D, B Terracini (2024)

Cancerogenicità del talco non contaminato da amianto e del talco cosmetico: revisione sistematica dell'evidenza epidemiologica dopo la monografia 2006 dell'Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro.

Epidemiologia e prevenzione, 48(3):220-232.

BACKGROUND: in 2006, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that the evidence of carcinogenicity for asbestos-free talc was inadequate (group 3), whereas perineal use of talcum powder was classified as possibly carcinogenic (group 2B).

OBJECTIVES: to assess whether later studies provide more solid information on the carcinogenic risk from asbestos-free talc and talcum powder and a better characterization of exposure.

DESIGN: systematic review.

METHODS: cohort studies of talc miners and millers exposed to asbestos-free talc, as well as cohort and case-control studies reporting cancer risk in talc powder consumers published from 2006 onwards were identified through PubMed and reference lists. Pooled analyses were included, but not reviews and meta-analyses. In the case of repeatedly reported studies, the article with the longest follow-up or the largest number of observed cases was selected for data abstraction. Notice was taken of studies which were both reported individually and included in pooled analyses.

RESULTS: publications meeting inclusion criteria were: 2 cohort studies on talc miners and millers, 10 cohort studies on talcum powder users (4 of which estimated ovarian cancer risk), and 14 case-control studies (13 on ovarian and 1 on endometrial cancer) on the risk from talcum powder use. No excess cancer mortality has been reported among asbestos-free talc miners and millers. Case-control studies consistently led to estimates of ovarian cancer excesses associated with the use of perineal talcum powder (odds ratios up to 1.5). Most studies quantifying exposure also provided evidence of a dose-response relationship. Individual cohort studies estimated hazard ratios (HR) just above 1. In an analysis of pooled cohorts for a total of 3,112 cases, the HR for women with patent reproductive tract was 1.13 (95%CI 1.01-1.26) with a correlation between HR and frequency of use (p for trend 0.03). In all cohort studies, the perineal use of talcum powder was measured only once in the early phases of follow-up, thus producing an inaccurate measure of cumulative exposure. Results of epidemiological studies regarding cancer risk in other organs are limited and inconsistent.

CONCLUSIONS: epidemiological studies updated or published after IARC 2006 evaluation indicate that: no increase in cancer risk is apparent among miners and millers of asbestos-free talc; risk for ovarian cancer increases following the perineal use of commercial talcum powder. A correlation between indicators of quantity of use and cancer risk is suggested by a number of studies. The composition of talcum powders considered in such studies is not known.

RevDate: 2024-07-11
CmpDate: 2024-07-11

Novelli F, Yoshikawa Y, Vitto VAM, et al (2024)

Germline BARD1 variants predispose to mesothelioma by impairing DNA repair and calcium signaling.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(29):e2405231121.

We report that ~1.8% of all mesothelioma patients and 4.9% of those younger than 55, carry rare germline variants of the BRCA1 associated RING domain 1 (BARD1) gene that were predicted to be damaging by computational analyses. We conducted functional assays, essential for accurate interpretation of missense variants, in primary fibroblasts that we established in tissue culture from a patient carrying the heterozygous BARD1[V523A] mutation. We found that these cells had genomic instability, reduced DNA repair, and impaired apoptosis. Investigating the underlying signaling pathways, we found that BARD1 forms a trimeric protein complex with p53 and SERCA2 that regulates calcium signaling and apoptosis. We validated these findings in BARD1-silenced primary human mesothelial cells exposed to asbestos. Our study elucidated mechanisms of BARD1 activity and revealed that heterozygous germline BARD1 mutations favor the development of mesothelioma and increase the susceptibility to asbestos carcinogenesis. These mesotheliomas are significantly less aggressive compared to mesotheliomas in asbestos workers.

RevDate: 2024-07-06

Cedres S, Calvete J, Taylor-Stokes G, et al (2024)

Treatment patterns and humanistic burden of malignant pleural mesothelioma in Spain.

Clinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico [Epub ahead of print].

PURPOSE: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive cancer with long latency and poor prognosis. The real-world treatment patterns and humanistic burden of MPM in an international cohort of patients were recently published. Spanish data are currently lacking and are reported here.

METHODS/PATIENTS: Data were collected from three sources: physician-abstracted demographic, clinical and treatment characteristics of patients with MPM; patient-completed questionnaires on treatment satisfaction, symptoms, caregiver use, and impact of the disease; and caregiver-completed questionnaire reporting their activity and its impact on their daily life.

RESULTS: The 241 patients in Spain were primarily elderly (median age: 67 years), male, retired/unemployed/on long-term sick leave, and diagnosed at stage IV with unresectable disease. Exposure to asbestos was detected (54%, 101/188). First-line treatment (1L) consisted primarily of doublet chemotherapy (86%, 207/241). Of 102 patients who completed 1L at data abstraction, 67 were receiving maintenance therapy, most commonly singlet chemotherapy with pemetrexed. Best supportive care was given to 29 patients, primarily after 1L (86.2%, 25/29). Symptom burden was high and health-related quality of life was poor and declined with progression: mean (SD) EQ-5D score and EQ-5D visual analogue scale score were 0.615 (0.285) and 60.8 (17.1) in 1L and 0.497 (0.370) and 56.1 (19.5) in second line. Overall, 67% of patients (162/241) required daily assistance from their caregiver, who reported an impact on their psychological well-being.

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with MPM in Spain were overall treated according to treatment guidelines at the time. Nevertheless, a considerable burden of disease was reported by patients and caregivers.

RevDate: 2024-07-05

Andersson EM, Barregard L, Akerstrom M, et al (2024)

Cancer incidence in Swedish oil refinery workers exposed to benzene.

International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 261:114420 pii:S1438-4639(24)00101-9 [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: Oil refinery workers are exposed to benzene, which is a well-known cause of leukaemia, but results on leukaemia in oil refinery workers have been mixed, and the data on workers' exposure is limited. Oil refinery workers are also exposed to asbestos and several studies have shown increased risk of mesothelioma.

AIM: The objective was to investigate cancer incidence, especially leukaemia, at low to moderate exposure to benzene in an update of a previous study of employees at three Swedish oil refineries.

METHODS: Cancer incidence was followed up in 2264 men (1548 refinery operators) employed at three oil refineries in Sweden for at least one year. Job types and employment times were collected from complete company files. A retrospective assessment of the benzene exposure was performed by occupational hygienists in collaboration with the refineries using historic measurements as well as detailed information on changes in the industrial hygiene and technological developments. Cases of cancer were retrieved by a linkage with the Swedish Cancer Register through 35-47 years of follow-up and standardized incidence ratios (SIR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated.

RESULTS: In total, 258 tumors had occurred versus 240 expected (SIR 1.07; 95% CI 0.95-1.21). There were 10 cases of leukaemia, all in refinery operators (SIR 2.4; 95% CI 1.18-4.51). There were three cases of pleural mesothelioma, two of which in refinery operators. The mean estimated cumulative benzene exposure for the cases of leukaemia was 7.9 ppm-years (median 4.9, range 0.1-31.1).

DISCUSSION: The study suggests that low to moderate average cumulative benzene exposure increases the risk of leukaemia. Limitations include the modest number of cases and potential misclassification of exposure.

CONCLUSION: The present study indicated an increased risk of leukaemia in male oil refinery workers with low to moderate exposure to benzene.

RevDate: 2024-07-02

Berge LAM, Shala NK, Barone-Adesi F, et al (2024)

Exposure to fibres and risk of pleural mesothelioma in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers cohort.

Occupational and environmental medicine pii:oemed-2024-109424 [Epub ahead of print].

OBJECTIVES: Pleural mesothelioma is a rare respiratory cancer, mainly caused by inhalation of asbestos fibres. Other inorganic fibres are also suggested risk factors. We aimed to investigate the association between exposure to asbestos or refractory ceramic fibres (RCFs) and pleural mesothelioma among male Norwegian offshore petroleum workers.

METHODS: Among 25 347 men in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) cohort (1965-1998), 43 pleural mesothelioma cases were identified through the Cancer Registry of Norway (1999-2022). A case-cohort study was conducted with 2095 randomly drawn non-cases from the cohort. Asbestos and RCF exposures were assessed with expert-made job-exposure matrices (JEMs). Weighted Cox regression was used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs, adjusted for age at baseline and pre-offshore employment with likely asbestos exposure.

RESULTS: An increased risk of pleural mesothelioma was indicated for the highest versus lowest tertile of average intensity of asbestos (HR=1.21, 95% CI: 0.57 to 2.54). Pre-offshore asbestos exposure (vs no such exposure) was associated with increased risk of pleural mesothelioma (HR=2.06, 95% CI: 1.11 to 3.81). For offshore workers with no pre-offshore asbestos exposure, an increased risk of pleural mesothelioma was found for the highest tertile of average intensity of asbestos (HR=4.13, 95% CI: 0.93 to 18), versus the lowest tertile. No associations were found between RCF and pleural mesothelioma.

CONCLUSIONS: Associations between JEM-based offshore asbestos exposure and pleural mesothelioma were confirmed in the NOPW cohort. Pleural mesothelioma risk was also associated with asbestos exposure before work in the offshore petroleum industry.

RevDate: 2024-07-02

Zhao Z, Li J, Tan F, et al (2024)

Assessing the global burden of mesothelioma: trends, socioeconomic influences, and asbestos exposure: a retrospective cohort study.

International journal of surgery (London, England) pii:01279778-990000000-01752 [Epub ahead of print].

INTRODUCTION: Mesothelioma is an uncommon type of cancer which has received little attention. This study aims to evaluate the global disease burden; trends of mesothelioma by age, sex, and geographic locations; and its risk factors on the population level.

METHODS: The Global Cancer Observatory in 2022 and 2019 Global Burden of Disease were accessed for mesothelioma incidence and its risk factors worldwide. Multivariable linear regression analyses was conducted to explore the associations between mesothelioma incidence and key predictors including Human Development Index (HDI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, and occupational asbestos exposure, adjusting for age and sex across global regions.

RESULTS: This study identified 30,870 global cases of mesothelioma in 2022, with a higher age-standardized incidence rate (ASR) in males (0.25 per 100,000) compared to females (0.39 per 100,000). Geographical analysis indicated the highest disease burden in Northern Europe, with particular prevalence in more developed regions. The incidence was also significantly associated with higher Human Development Index (HDI), with a beta coefficient of 0.133 overall, and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, with a beta coefficient of 0.101. These socioeconomic factors exhibited stronger associations in the elderly population, especially with HDI (β=0.512) and GDP (β=0.389), than in adults. Additionally, occupational exposure to asbestos remained a significant risk factor across all groups, except for the younger adult population, with an overall beta of 0.122 for incidence. The temporal trend analysis revealed a general decrease in mesothelioma incidence, particularly in the 15-49 years age group.

CONCLUSIONS: The analysis indicates a higher mesothelioma incidence in males and in developed regions, with marked disparities noted particularly in Northern Europe. Significant correlations with socioeconomic indicators-HDI and GDP-and occupational asbestos exposure were identified, particularly affecting the elderly. Despite a decline in global incidence, especially among younger individuals, persistent cases in females highlight the need for continued public health measures addressing both occupational and environmental exposures.

RevDate: 2024-07-02
CmpDate: 2024-07-02

De Maria L, Pentimone F, Cavone D, et al (2024)

Clinical investigation of former workers exposed to asbestos: the health surveillance experience of an Italian University Hospital.

Frontiers in public health, 12:1411910.

BACKGROUND: The need for health surveillance of former workers exposed to asbestos was provided by law in Italy after the asbestos ban in 1992.

OBJECTIVES: We describe the results of the health surveillance of former workers exposed to asbestos, conducted over 27 years, from 1994 to 2020, at the Operative Unit of Occupational Medicine of the University Hospital of Bari.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We adopted the health surveillance protocol, which was validated at the national level in 2018.

RESULTS: A total of 1,405 former workers exposed to asbestos were examined. We proceeded with diagnosing pathologies in 339 cases (24% of the cohort subjected to surveillance), with diagnoses of some cases involving multiple pathologies. Specifically, pleural plaques were diagnosed in 49.2% of the 339 cases, asbestosis in 35.9%, malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) in 20.3%, mesothelioma of the vaginal tunic of the testis (MTVT) in 9.1%, lung cancer in 5.8%, and laryngeal cancer in 0.8%.

CONCLUSION: Despite the 1992 asbestos ban, asbestos-related diseases remain a serious public health issue. It is important to establish criteria that ensure the health surveillance of formerly exposed workers minimizes costs, reduces the number of invasive examinations, and optimizes achievable results.

RevDate: 2024-07-01
CmpDate: 2024-07-01

Sherborne V, Ejegi-Memeh S, Tod AM, et al (2024)

Living with mesothelioma: a systematic review of mental health and well-being impacts and interventions for patients and their informal carers.

BMJ open, 14(6):e075071 pii:bmjopen-2023-075071.

OBJECTIVES: Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer predominantly affecting the lung and abdominal linings. It can have a unique impact on mental health and well-being (MHWB) due to its incurability, poor prognosis and asbestos-exposure causation. This review's aims were to identify/synthesise international evidence on mesothelioma's MHWB impacts; explore MHWB interventions used by patients and carers; and identify evidence of their effectiveness.

DESIGN: Systematic review.

DATA SOURCES: Databases, searched March 2022 and March 2024, were MEDLINE; CINAHL; PsycINFO; Cochrane Library; ASSIA.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: We included study designs focusing on psychological impacts of living with mesothelioma and MHWB interventions used by patients and informal carers, published in English since January 2002.

DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: A team of reviewers screened included studies using standardised methods. Quality was assessed using validated tools: Mixed-Methods Appraisal tool for primary research and Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Reviews.

RESULTS: Forty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria: 20 qualitative, 16 quantitative, nine reviews, two mixed-methods, one combined systematic review/qualitative study. UK studies predominated. Many MHWB impacts were reported, including traumatic stress, depression, anxiety and guilt. These were influenced by mesothelioma's causation, communication issues and carer-patient relational interactions. Participants used wide-ranging MHWB interventions, including religious/spiritual practice; talking to mental-health professionals; meaning-making. Some strategies were presented as unhelpful, for example, denial. Participants reported lack of access to support.

CONCLUSIONS: Most qualitative studies were rated high quality. The quality of the quantitative studies and reviews varied. The sparse literature regarding MHWB in mesothelioma means more research is needed into impacts on patients and carers, including trauma. To enable access to evidence-based support, research is recommended concerning MHWB interventions' effectiveness in mesothelioma.


RevDate: 2024-06-29

Girardi P, Rigoni S, Ferrante D, et al (2024)

Asbestos exposure and asbestosis mortality in Italian cement-asbestos cohorts: Dose-response relationship and the role of competing death causes.

American journal of industrial medicine [Epub ahead of print].

OBJECTIVES: In Italy, asbestos was used intensively until its ban in 1992, which was extended for asbestos cement factories until 1994. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dose-response between asbestos exposure and asbestosis mortality across a pool of Italian occupational cohorts, taking into account the presence of competing risks.

METHODS: Cohorts were followed for vital status and the cause of death was ascertained by a linkage with mortality registers. Cause-specific (CS) Cox-regression models were used to evaluate the dose-exposure relationship between asbestosis mortality and the time-dependent cumulative exposure index (CEI) to asbestos. Fine and Gray regression models were computed to assess the effect of competing risks of death.

RESULTS: The cohort included 12,963 asbestos cement workers. During the follow-up period (1960-2012), of a total of 6961 deaths, we observed 416 deaths attributed to asbestosis, 879 to lung cancer, 400 to primary pleural cancer, 135 to peritoneal cancer, and 1825 to diseases of the circulatory system. The CS model showed a strong association between CEI and asbestosis mortality. Dose-response models estimated an increasing trend in mortality even below a CEI of 25 ff/mL-years. Lung cancer and circulatory diseases were the main competing causes of death.

CONCLUSIONS: Asbestos exposure among Italian asbestos-cement workers has led to a very high number of deaths from asbestosis and asbestos-related diseases. The increasing risk trend associated with excess deaths, even at low exposure levels, suggests that the proposed limit values would not have been adequate to prevent disability and mortality from asbestosis.

RevDate: 2024-06-26
CmpDate: 2024-06-26

Zhand S, Liao J, Castorina A, et al (2024)

Small Extracellular Vesicle-Derived Circular RNA hsa_circ_0007386 as a Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma.

Cells, 13(12): pii:cells13121037.

Pleural mesothelioma (PM) is a highly aggressive tumor that is caused by asbestos exposure and lacks effective therapeutic regimens. Current procedures for PM diagnosis are invasive and can take a long time to reach a definitive result. Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) have been identified as important communicators between tumor cells and their microenvironment via their cargo including circular RNAs (circRNAs). CircRNAs are thermodynamically stable, highly conserved, and have been found to be dysregulated in cancer. This study aimed to identify potential biomarkers for PM diagnosis by investigating the expression of specific circRNA gene pattern (hsa_circ_0007386) in cells and sEVs using digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR). For this reason, 5 PM, 14 non-PM, and one normal mesothelial cell line were cultured. The sEV was isolated from the cells using the gold standard ultracentrifuge method. The RNA was extracted from both cells and sEVs, cDNA was synthesized, and dPCR was run. Results showed that hsa_circ_0007386 was significantly overexpressed in PM cell lines and sEVs compared to non-PM and normal mesothelial cell lines (p < 0.0001). The upregulation of hsa_circ_0007386 in PM highlights its potential as a diagnostic biomarker. This study underscores the importance and potential of circRNAs and sEVs as cancer diagnostic tools.

RevDate: 2024-06-20
CmpDate: 2024-06-20

Couchman E, Ejegi-Memeh S, Mitchell S, et al (2024)

Rethinking continuity in primary care for people with mesothelioma.

The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 74(suppl 1): pii:74/suppl_1/bjgp24X737373.

BACKGROUND: Mesothelioma is a terminal disease that is linked to asbestos exposure. Continuity is difficult for GPs, and other healthcare professionals (HCPs), to provide within the current NHS primary care system, but is highly valued by people with mesothelioma.

AIM: To understand the experiences of continuity in primary care among people with mesothelioma, their close persons, and their HCPs; how they achieve this (or not); and how it affects their healthcare service use.

METHOD: Realist case studies of patient journeys through the healthcare system (involving longitudinal interviews with people with mesothelioma, their close persons, and HCPs; and exploration of the organisational context). Data analysis allowed understanding of hidden mechanisms (resources and reasoning), triggered in certain contexts, leading to specific outcomes.

RESULTS: Forty-eight interviews (involving 9 patients, 8 close persons, and 12 HCPs) were undertaken (totalling 30.8 hours/1848 minutes). Context-Mechanism-Outcome configurations related to: challenges unique to mesothelioma; capacity of patients/close persons/HCPs to facilitate continuity; multidisciplinary (MDT) approach differs from the family doctor model; and 'the NHS primary care system is broken'.

CONCLUSION: Patients perceive their continuity needs to be unmet by the inflexible primary care system, which needs to adapt to a society in which people receive increasingly novel treatments and live longer with complex healthcare needs. A societal perspective shift is required to understand that an MDT now shares responsibility for care, rather than an individual family doctor. Policy documents continue to focus on access, and still do not advocate strongly enough for continuity, despite unequivocal evidence demonstrating its worth.

RevDate: 2024-06-19

Santos C, Sacadura-Leite E, Ferreira J, et al (2024)

The Pleural Mesothelioma Cases and Mortality in Portugal in 2014-2020: A Descriptive Study.

Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 12(11):.

BACKGROUND: The incidence and mortality of pleural mesothelioma (PM) reflect the production and consumption of asbestos over time. However, despite the current global concern, these data remain to be known.

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to carry out a descriptive analysis of PM cases and mortality from some Portuguese databases between 2014 and 2020.

METHODS: A retrospective observational study was carried out between 2014 and 2020. Data on the number of PM cases were provided by the Portuguese Cancer Registry, and data on mortality were from the Portuguese Death Certificate Information System.

RESULTS: Between 2014 and 2020, 315 cases of PM were reported, with 222 (70.5%) men. The average age of patients was 72.1, with the highest number of cases in patients aged >70 years (n = 198; 62.9%). The highest number of cases was reported in 2018 (n = 62; 19.7%). Regarding mortality, 169 deaths were reported, with 126 (74.6%) men and mostly in individuals aged >70 years (n = 109; 64.5%). It is estimated that around 520 years of potential life were lost. The highest number of deaths occurred in 2015 (n = 33; 19.5%).

CONCLUSION: It is mandatory to reinforce the need for surveillance programs that allow us to gather real and reliable data and eliminate asbestos-related diseases.

RevDate: 2024-06-17

Lin RT, Boonhat H, Lin YY, et al (2024)

Health Effects of Occupational and Environmental Exposures to Nuclear Power Plants: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression.

Current environmental health reports [Epub ahead of print].

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Numerous epidemiological studies have shown increased health risks among workers and residents living near nuclear power plants exposed to radiation levels meeting regulatory dose limits. This study aimed to evaluate the association between radiation exposure and disease risks among these populations exposed to radiation levels meeting the current regulatory dose limits.

RECENT FINDINGS: We searched four databases (Cochrane Library, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science) for studies published before August 2023, screened eligible studies (inclusion and exclusion criteria based on population, exposure, comparator, and outcome framework), and collected data on exposure indicators and disease risks. We applied random-effects models of meta-analysis to estimate the pooled effects and meta-regression to assess the dose-response relationship (radiation dose rate for workers and distance for residents). We identified 47 studies, 13 with worker and 34 with resident samples, covering 175 nuclear power plants from 17 countries, encompassing samples of 480,623 workers and 7,530,886 residents. Workers had a significantly lower risk for all-cancer and a significantly higher risk for mesothelioma. Residents had significantly higher risks for all-cancer, thyroid cancer, and leukemia. Notably, children under 5 years old showed the highest risk for all-cancer. Our meta-regression showed a significantly positive dose-response relationship between cumulative dose of radiation exposure and risk for circulatory disease among workers. Our findings demonstrated higher risks for mesothelioma for workers and all-cancer, thyroid cancer, and leukemia for residents exposed to low-dose radiation from nuclear power plants. Some included studies did not adjust for cancer risk confounders, which could overestimate the association between radiation exposure and cancer risk and increase the risk of bias.

RevDate: 2024-06-16
CmpDate: 2024-06-16

Fu F, Zhang Y, H Shen (2024)

[Advances in Targeted Therapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma].

Zhongguo fei ai za zhi = Chinese journal of lung cancer, 27(5):391-398.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare cancer with high malignancy and aggressiveness on the pleural, caused by the following risk factors including asbestos inhalation, genetic factors, and genetic mutation. The present chemotherapy, antiangiogenic therapy, and immunotherapy methods are ineffective and the survival time of patients is very short. There is an urgent need to find potential therapeutic targets for MPM. At present, it has been found the following types of targets: gene mutation targets such as BRCA associated protein 1 (BAP1) and cyclin-dependent kinase 2A (CDKN2A); epigenetic targets such as lysine (K)-specific demethylase 4A (KDM4A) and lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1), and signal protein targets such as glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). So far, available clinical trials include phase II clinical trials of histone methyltransferase inhibitor Tazemetostat, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor Rucaparib and cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) inhibitor Abemaciclib, as well as phase I clinical trials of mesothelin-targeting chimeric antigen receptor T-cell immunotherapy (CAR-T) cell injection in the thoracic cavity and TEA domain family member (TEAD) inhibitor VT3989 and IK-930, and the results of these trials have showed certain clinical efficacy. .

RevDate: 2024-06-10

Huh DA, Choi YH, Kim L, et al (2024)

Air pollution and survival in patients with malignant mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer: a follow-up study of 1591 patients in South Korea.

Environmental health : a global access science source, 23(1):56.

BACKGROUND: Despite significant advancements in treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, the survival rate for patients with asbestos-related cancers remains low. Numerous studies have provided evidence suggesting that air pollution induces oxidative stress and inflammation, affecting acute respiratory diseases, lung cancer, and overall mortality. However, because of the high case fatality rate, there is limited knowledge regarding the effects of air pollution exposures on survival following a diagnosis of asbestos-related cancers. This study aimed to determine the effect of air pollution on the survival of patients with malignant mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer.

METHODS: We followed up with 593 patients with malignant mesothelioma and 998 patients with lung cancer identified as asbestos victims between 2009 and 2022. Data on five air pollutants-sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter with a diameter < 10 μm, and fine particulate matter with a diameter < 2.5 μm-were obtained from nationwide atmospheric monitoring stations. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate the association of cumulative air pollutant exposure with patient mortality, while adjusting for potential confounders. Quantile-based g-computation was used to assess the combined effect of the air pollutant mixture on mortality.

RESULTS: The 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates for both cancer types decreased with increasing exposure to all air pollutants. The estimated hazard ratios rose significantly with a 1-standard deviation increase in each pollutant exposure level. A quartile increase in the pollutant mixture was associated with a 1.99-fold increase in the risk of malignant mesothelioma-related mortality (95% confidence interval: 1.62, 2.44). For lung cancer, a quartile increase in the pollutant mixture triggered a 1.87-fold increase in the mortality risk (95% confidence interval: 1.53, 2.30).

CONCLUSION: These findings support the hypothesis that air pollution exposure after an asbestos-related cancer diagnosis can negatively affect patient survival.

RevDate: 2024-06-10

Chornkrathok S, Carbone M, Yang H, et al (2024)

Mineralogical investigation of asbestos contamination of soil near old vermiculite processing plant in Honolulu, Hawai'i.

Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) pii:S0269-7491(24)01064-9 [Epub ahead of print].

From 1954 to 1983, a vermiculite processing facility operated near the Honolulu airport and processed raw material from the Libby, Montana mine, which is now well known for the high asbestos content of its clay deposits. The factory was closed in 1983 due to health hazard concerns, and remediation was performed in 2001 as part of the Libby mine superfund project. However, because of close proximity of the closed-down facility to residential areas of metropolitan Honolulu, some concerns remain regarding the possible environmental persistence of the harmful contaminant. To assess the dispersion of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite and explore the impact of trade winds on its distribution, air dust, and soil samples were collected from multiple locations near the former vermiculite plant. Polarized light microscopy was employed to identify elongated minerals, including potential asbestos. Quantitative mineralogical analysis utilizing X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld refinement revealed an average content of approximately 7% vermiculite and 4% tremolite at the site. The asbestiform nature of tremolite was confirmed through X-ray micro-diffraction. Detailed analysis of airborne dust samples using transmission electron microscopy revealed no detectable levels of asbestos in the vicinity of the former processing facilities, but the possibility of asbestos fibers becoming airborne due to mechanical disturbance during dry weather cannot be ruled out.

RevDate: 2024-06-10

Potesta MA, Guld E, J Laman (2024)

Dual Malignancies Discovered: A Rare Case of Malignant Peritoneal Epithelioid Mesothelioma and Lung Adenocarcinoma.

Cureus, 16(5):e59962.

Clinicians diagnosing malignant peritoneal epithelioid mesothelioma (MPM or MPeM) have historically had challenges due to the low incidence of the disease, as well as the often vague symptomatology that patients present with. Newer advances in technology, specifically in immunocytochemistry, have provided a clearer path to diagnosis. Additionally, malignant mesotheliomas must be differentiated from carcinomas. This is done via histology, immunocytochemistry, as well as a careful incorporation of the patient's clinical history. In this case, we present an asymptomatic 73-year-old non-smoker female with no past medical history of asbestos exposure. She was diagnosed with MPM following a routine abdominal hernia repair. Subsequent workup revealed a lung infiltrate that was successfully biopsied and resected, evidently found to be adenocarcinoma. A careful review of the resulting pathology, as well as the interpretation of immunocytochemistry, supported the notion that the patient had two independent malignant processes occurring at once. This case underscores the rarity of two similar, yet distinct cancers, as well as epidemiology, symptomatology, histology, immunocytochemistry, and prognosis.

RevDate: 2024-05-28

Chen Z, Cai Y, Ou T, et al (2024)

Global burden of mesothelioma attributable to occupational asbestos exposure in 204 countries and territories: 1990-2019.

Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology, 150(5):282.

Malignant mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive cancer primarily caused by occupational asbestos exposure, has a poor prognosis. This study leverages the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2019 dataset to analyze the burden of mesothelioma linked to occupational asbestos exposure from 1990 to 2019. The analysis includes the number of mesothelioma deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) attributable to occupational asbestos exposure, focusing on trends in age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) and age-standardized disability-adjusted life-year rate (ASDR) by year, age, sex, country, region, and Socio-demographic Index (SDI). In 2019, 91.7% of mesothelioma deaths and 85.2% of DALYs were attributable to occupational asbestos exposure, resulting in 26,820 (95% UI 24,312-28,622) deaths and 569,429 (95% UI 509,956-617,484) DALYs. Despite a decline in ASMR and ASDR from 1990 to 2019, the absolute number of deaths and DALYs almost doubled. The United States reported the highest number of mesothelioma deaths, while China had the highest number of DALYs. Age-specific mortality rates and DALYs decreased in the 25-74 age group but increased in the 75+ age group. In conclusion, occupational asbestos exposure remains the primary cause of mesothelioma worldwide, with an increasing number of deaths and DALYs. The highest incidence rates are observed in high-income areas, and rates are rising in low-income areas. It is crucial to raise awareness about the hazards of asbestos to reduce the global burden of mesothelioma linked to occupational exposure.

RevDate: 2024-05-28

Albano GD, Rodolico V, Di Franco S, et al (2024)

Asbestos exposure determined 357 days after death through autopsy: a report of a multidisciplinary approach.

Forensic science, medicine, and pathology [Epub ahead of print].

Asbestosis is an interstitial lung disease caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers and poses a significant risk to individuals working in construction, shipping, mining, and related industries. In a forensic context, postmortem investigations are crucial for accurate diagnosis, for which the gold standard is the histopathological examination. This case report describes the autopsy and related investigations conducted on an 84-year-old man, nearly one year (357 days) after his death. After a post-mortem CT scan, an autoptic investigation was performed, followed by histopathological, immunohistochemical, and scanning electron microscopy examinations. The integration of the evidence from these examinations with previously available personal and clinical information conclusively confirmed the diagnosis of asbestosis. We demonstrated the efficacy and reliability of our diagnostic protocol in detecting asbestosis and asbestos fibers and excluding mesothelioma even in decomposed tissues. According to our findings autopsy remains the diagnostic gold standard in cases of suspected asbestosis within a forensic context, even 1 year after death, therefore it is always highly recommended, even in cases where the body has decomposed.

RevDate: 2024-05-28

Yaşar S, Yılmaz F, Utkan G, et al (2024)

Analysis of Treatment Strategies and Outcomes in Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Insights From a Multi-Center Study.

Annals of surgical oncology [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to evaluate the demographic," clinicopathologic, and prognostic characteristics of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPeM), as well as the treatment options for the rare and heterogeneous MPeM population.

METHODS: A retrospective multi-center observational cohort study was conducted to evaluate patients with MPeM. Due to the heterogeneity of the study population, the study divided them into two main groups in terms of treatments, follow-up periods, and prognostic features. The first group comprised the patients who underwent cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), and the second group included the patients with metastatic disease for whom curative intent surgery was not possible. The patients' diagnostic procedures and treatments were identified from medical records. Patients older than 18 years old were included in the study regardless of asbestos exposure. Well-differentiated papillary and multicystic mesothelioma histologic types were not included in the study.

RESULTS: The study evaluated 118 patients from five centers. Survival times, prognosis, and treatment responses were analyzed in both groups. The study showed that CRS-HIPEC was associated with longer overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Perioperative therapy was evaluated in subgroup analyses of this population and shown to provide survival benefits. The patients treated with chemotherapy (metastatic and medically inoperable patients and those for whom complete cytoreduction was not achievable) had a poorer prognosis than the surgery group. The study showed that life expectancy decreased significantly for the patients not suitable to undergo surgery for any reason.

CONCLUSIONS: According to data from experienced centers, CRS-HIPEC is a treatment option recognized as effective, cost-effective, and safe, with better OS and PFS , as well as low morbidity and mortality rates similar to those in the literature. In addition, the platinum-pemetrexed combination continues to be an effective and acceptable treatment option for metastatic patients, those who are medically inoperable, and those for whom complete or near-complete cytoreduction is not achievable.

RevDate: 2024-05-28
CmpDate: 2024-05-28

Altshuler PC, Newman AL, JA Garibay (2024)

Rapid Progression of Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma Mimicking a Postoperative Complication in a Young Woman: A Case Report.

The American journal of case reports, 25:e942948 pii:942948.

BACKGROUND Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare disease with a poor prognosis that often presents with vague symptoms and inconclusive laboratory test results. Causes include industrial pollutants, primarily asbestos, and certain genetic mutations, such as BAP1. Due to the nonspecific symptoms, it is often incidentally diagnosed during or after other surgical procedures. CASE REPORT A 35-year-old healthy woman underwent an uncomplicated laparoscopic left salpingo-oophorectomy for a symptomatic large ovarian mature cystic teratoma. She subsequently presented with late-onset postoperative fever, leukocytosis, and multiple intra-abdominal masses. Following an exploratory laparotomy, extensive infectious disease evaluation, and multiple biopsies requiring interdisciplinary collaboration, malignant peritoneal mesothelioma was diagnosed by positive histologic staining of an omental biopsy for D2-40 and CK5/6. This first specimen was positive for BAP1, with the second, a liver biopsy, testing negative for BAP1. The tumor cell testing was also notable for mutations in NF2, MLL2, and ARID1A, and the hereditary cancer genetic testing was overall unremarkable. Her disease progressed rapidly, and she died 6 months after her initial procedure. CONCLUSIONS This case of rapidly developing malignant peritoneal mesothelioma following surgical management of an ovarian mature teratoma highlights the complexity in diagnosing a rare disease that presents with nonspecific symptoms in an otherwise young and healthy woman. The rapid disease course was likely accelerated by expansive intraperitoneal spread and multiple somatic oncogenic mutations in BAP1, NF2, MLL2, and ARID1A. Gynecologists should keep a broad differential for postoperative complications, as occult malignancies can present with symptoms that mimic postoperative complications.

RevDate: 2024-05-27

Singh R, AL Frank (2024)

Analysis of mesothelioma cases and National Cancer Registry data to assess asbestos exposure in India.

Public health action, 14(1):30-33.

SETTING: Asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma, a form of cancer which should be recorded by cancer registries. However, such registries currently cover only a small fraction (16%) of the population in India. Because India still uses asbestos, it is important to understand its health impact, especially the number of mesothelioma cases.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the number of mesothelioma cases in India and compare these to the number reported to the National Cancer Registry.

DESIGN: We used the Right to Information Act 2005 to gather data for 83 hospitals across India from 2012 to 2022-2023.

RESULTS: From a total of 83 hospitals, there were 2,213 cases of mesothelioma from 2012 onwards. During the 2012-2016 period, the number of reported cases in the Cancer Registry was 54, whereas 1,126 cases were reported by these hospitals for this period. Only 21 (25%) of the hospitals assessed in this study were part of the population-based national cancer registry programme. Overall, cases of mesothelioma occur far more frequently than are reported in cancer registries.

CONCLUSION: National record-keeping is inadequate and the system needs to be expanded and improved across all of India. This will provide more effective reporting and help to highlight the risk of exposure to asbestos.

RevDate: 2024-05-25

Hintermair S, Iser S, Varga A, et al (2024)

Ki67 Tumor Expression Predicts Treatment Benefit Achieved by Macroscopic Radical Lung-Preserving Surgery in Pleural Mesothelioma-A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis.

Cancers, 16(10): pii:cancers16101817.

Pleural mesothelioma (PM), linked to asbestos-induced inflammation, carries a poor prognosis. Therapy ranges from therapy limitation to aggressive multimodality treatment. Given the uncertainty about treatment benefits for patients, this study aimed to assess the role of Ki67 as a prognostic and predictive parameter in PM. Ki67 was measured in the specimens of 70 PM patients (17 female, 53 male) from two centers and correlated to overall survival (OS) and therapy outcome. The median OS was 16.1 months. The level of Ki67 expression was divided into low (≤15%) and high (>15%). A low value of Ki67 expression was associated with a longer OS (Ki67 ≤ 15%: 31.2 (95% CI 6.5-55.8) months vs. Ki67 > 15%: 11.1 (95% CI 7.7-14.6) months, p = 0.012). The 5-year survival represents 22% in the low Ki67 expression group, in contrast to 5% in the high Ki67 expression group. We found a significant interaction term of Ki67 with multimodality treatment (p = 0.031) translating to an OS of 48.1 months in the low expression Ki67 group compared to 24.3 months in the high Ki67 expression group when receiving surgery within multimodality therapy. Therefore, Ki67 stands out as a validated prognostic and, most importantly, novel predictive biomarker for treatment benefits, particularly regarding surgery within multimodality therapy.

RevDate: 2024-05-24

Hassan A, Prabhakaran S, Pulford E, et al (2024)

The significance of BAP1 and MTAP/CDKN2A expression in well-differentiated papillary mesothelial tumour: a series of 21 cases and a review of the literature.

Pathology pii:S0031-3025(24)00127-2 [Epub ahead of print].

The nomenclature and diagnostic criteria of well-differentiated papillary mesothelial tumour (WDPMT) have been changed in the 2021 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of thoracic tumours, and a new entity, mesothelioma in situ (MIS), introduced. Histologically these two entities may be similar. However, MIS is regarded as a precursor to invasive mesothelioma and requires demonstration of loss of BAP1 and/or MTAP/CDKN2A for diagnosis, whereas performance of these ancillary tests is desirable but not essential for a diagnosis of WDPMT, in which the significance of BAP1 and/or MTAP/CDKN2A loss is not well understood or well defined. Against this backdrop, we undertook an investigation of 21 cases of WDPMT, identified from our case files and diagnosed according to 2021 WHO criteria, to explore the relationship between histology and BAP1 and MTAP/CDKN2A expression with clinical features including asbestos exposure, focality of tumours and clinical outcome. There were 18 women and three men, with ages ranging from 23-77 years (median 62 years), in which six had a history of asbestos exposure, two had no exposure, and in 13 exposure history was unavailable. Of 20 peritoneal tumours and one pleural tumour, 13 were detected incidentally at the time of surgery for unrelated conditions and eight peritoneal tumours were multifocal at the time of diagnosis. BAP1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed in all 21 tumours, with nine tumours showing BAP1 expression loss. MTAP/CDKN2A testing was performed in 14 tumours, comprising MTAP IHC in 12 and CDKN2A fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) in two, with three tumours showing MTAP/CDKN2A expression loss. Two tumours with MTAP/CDKN2A loss also showed BAP1 expression loss. Four patients progressed to invasive mesothelioma, including one male with a pleural tumour and asbestos exposure, and three females with multifocal peritoneal tumours, two with asbestos exposure and one without exposure. BAP1 expression loss was seen in all tumours from the four patients who progressed to invasive mesothelioma, whilst two of these tumours showed retained MTAP IHC and two were not tested. There was one patient with a tumour with MTAP loss and retained BAP1 who died from unrelated causes 5 months after diagnosis. Eight patients received WDPMT-specific treatment in addition to the initial excision. Survival for all patients ranged from 4-218 months, with one patient dying of mesothelioma at 49 months. Based on our results in this series of 21 patients with WDPMT diagnosed according to 2021 WHO criteria, we propose that WDPMT with BAP1 expression loss may best be regarded as papillary MIS and that a history of asbestos exposure and the presence of multifocal tumours in patients diagnosed with WDPMT should prompt ancillary testing with BAP1 IHC. Further we propose that BAP1 IHC should be essential in the diagnosis of WDPMT, with the diagnosis restricted to those tumours which show retained BAP1 expression. However more studies in larger cohorts of patients are needed to explore the relationship between BAP1 expression and MTAP loss in WDPMT, which will help to define this entity and separate it more clearly from MIS and invasive mesothelioma.

RevDate: 2024-05-24

Testa JR, Kadariya Y, JS Friedberg (2024)

Targeting inflammatory factors for chemoprevention and cancer interception to tackle malignant mesothelioma.

Oncoscience, 11:53-57.

Mesothelioma is an incurable cancer of the mesothelial lining often caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos-induced inflammation is a significant contributing factor in the development of mesothelioma, and genetic factors also play a role in the susceptibility to this rapidly progressive and treatment-resistant malignancy. Consequently, novel approaches are urgently needed to treat mesothelioma and prevent or reduce the overall incidence of this fatal disease. In this research perspective, we review the current state of chemoprevention and cancer interception progress in asbestos-induced mesothelioma. We discuss the different preclinical mouse models used for these investigations and the inflammatory factors that may be potential targets for mesothelioma prevention. Preliminary studies with naturally occurring phytochemicals and synthetic agents are reviewed. Results of previous clinical chemoprevention trials in populations exposed to asbestos and considerations regarding future trials are also presented.

RevDate: 2024-05-23

Broggi G, Massimino M, Failla M, et al (2024)

Concordance between CDKN2A homozygous deletion and MTAP immunohistochemical loss in fluoroedenite-induced pleural mesothelioma: An immunohistochemical and molecular study on a single-institution series.

Pathology, research and practice, 259:155350 pii:S0344-0338(24)00261-9 [Epub ahead of print].

Fluoroedenite-induced pleural mesothelioma (FE-induced-PM) is a rare and small subset of PM that shares with its asbestos-induced counterpart the same aggressive biological behavior and poor prognosis, but that differs from it from a pathogenetic point of view as it is associated with exposure to fluoroedenite, a carcinogenic agent that shows similarities with tremolite amphibolic asbestos fibers. Although it has been demonstrated that asbestos-induced PMs frequently harbor CDKN2A homozygous deletion and that the immunohistochemical loss of MTAP may represent a cheap and reliable surrogate marker for this molecular alteration, little is known about the molecular landscape and the reliability of MTAP immunohistochemistry in this peculiar subset of PM. The study herein presented investigated the prevalence of CDKN2A homozygous deletion and its concordance with MTAP immunohistochemical status on a cohort of 10 cases of FE-induced-PM from patients with environmental exposure to FE fibers, who were residents in the small town of Biancavilla (Sicily, Italy) or nearby areas. CDKN2A homozygous deletions were found in 3 out of 10 cases (30%) and all these cases showed concomitant cytoplasmic loss of MTAP with a concordance rate of 100%. Despite the relatively low number of cases included in our series, MTAP immunohistochemistry seemed to represent a reliable immunohistochemical surrogate marker of CDKNA homozygous deletion even in this subset of PMs.

RevDate: 2024-05-19

Takata A, Yamauchi H, Yamashita K, et al (2024)

Mesothelioma carcinogenesis of chrysotile and forsterite compared and validated by intraperitoneal injection in rat.

Industrial health [Epub ahead of print].

Asbestos, especially chrysotile, continues to be exposed to humans globally. Hence, it should be disposed properly to prevent asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. This study aimed to verify whether forsterite, a heating product of chrysotile, can cause carcinogenicity, particularly mesothelioma. Forsterite (FO-1000) and enstatite (EN-1500) produced by heating chrysotile at 1000°C and 1500°C, respectively, were subjected. We injected 10 mg of chrysotile, FO-1000, or EN-1500 in rats intraperitoneally and observed the development of peritoneal mesothelioma until 24 months. The incidence of peritoneal mesothelioma in the chrysotile group was 91.2%, whereas in the FO-1000 and EN-1500 groups, peritoneal mesothelioma did not develop. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and serum N-ERC/mesothelin concentrations significantly increased in the chrysotile group that developed peritoneal mesothelioma, while they only temporarily changed in the FO-1000 or EN-1500 groups during early treatment. Furthermore, there was a significant homozygous deletion of the CDKN2A/p16 gene in the chrysotile group compared to the control group, in contrast to no significant difference in the FO-1000 and EN-1500 groups. Therefore, this study provides clear evidence that forsterite is a nonmesothelioma carcinogen and suggests that forsterite and enstatite are sufficient substances for chrysotile detoxification.

RevDate: 2024-05-13

Hong Lee AH, Macalister SJ, KK Yap (2024)

Pleural small cell lung cancer masquerading as malignant mesothelioma: A case report.

Radiology case reports, 19(8):2969-2972.

Nodular soft tissue pleural thickening on imaging is highly suggestive of malignancy, of which pleural malignant mesothelioma and metastatic disease are differentials. We present the case of a 71-year-old male who presented with acute worsening of shortness of breath associated with a recurrent left pleural effusion post-pleurocentesis. He was an ex-smoker with previous asbestos exposure. Computed tomography performed demonstrated left-sided pleural thickening in the hemithorax and hemidiaphragm with complex pleural effusion. [18]F-2-deoxy-d-glucose whole body PET scan revealed extensive uptake throughout the left hemithorax in multiple pleural masses. The imaging findings and clinical case were typical of malignant mesothelioma. However, histopathology results revealed small cell lung cancer. We need to be cognisant of this atypical presentation of a common disease entity. Even when all clinical and imaging findings point towards a certain diagnosis, histopathological assessment cannot be ignored.

RevDate: 2024-05-13

Lapidot M, Mazzola E, R Bueno (2024)

Prolonged survival and novel prognostic factors in women with pleural mesothelioma treated with extended pleurectomy decortication.

Translational lung cancer research, 13(4):811-820.

BACKGROUND: Pleural mesothelioma (PM) is an uncommon and extremely aggressive malignancy associated with past exposure to asbestos. The low representation of women among PM patients is likely due to differences in occupational asbestos exposure. Due to the controversial role of female sex as a prognostic factor in PM, the study aims to evaluate the survival of females treated with lung-sparing surgery. We present a cohort of 114 consecutive female patients with PM who underwent intended extended pleurectomy decortication (ePD) over 11 years in a high-volume single institution.

METHODS: All women from 2007-2017 who underwent intended ePD were enrolled in the study. Data on clinical, operative, and outcome were collected. Kaplan-Meier estimators and log-rank tests were employed to assess the overall survival, and Cox regression models were utilized to analyze prognostic factors.

RESULTS: During the study period, 454 patients underwent thoracotomy with intended ePD in a single institution. There were 114 females (25%), and macroscopic complete resection (MCR) was achieved in 97 (85.1%). The median age was 65 years, histology was epithelioid in 81 (71.0%), biphasic in 31 (27.2%), and sarcomatoid in 2 (1.8%). The 30- and 90-day mortality were 3.5% and 6.1%, respectively. Median survival in females was 38 months, and 5-year survival was 28.2%. The median survival and 5-year survival rate for patients with epithelioid histology and MCR were 44.4 months and 36.4%, respectively. In a univariate analysis, several factors were found to be associated with patient overall survival including MCR [hazard ratio (HR): 0.3, P<0.001], early T status (HR: 1.6, P=0.03), adjuvant therapy (HR: 0.5, P=0.006), intraoperative heated chemotherapy (IOHC) (HR: 0.8, P=0.03), age (HR: 1.02, P=0.03) and epithelioid histology (HR: 0.5, P=0.009).

CONCLUSIONS: For women with epithelioid PM undergoing intended ePD within a multimodal setting, prolonged survival is anticipated.

RevDate: 2024-05-11

Bille A, Ripley RT, Giroux DJ, et al (2024)

The IASLC Mesothelioma Staging Project: Proposals for the 'N' descriptors in the forthcoming 9th edition of the TNM classification for Pleural Mesothelioma.

Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer pii:S1556-0864(24)00208-9 [Epub ahead of print].

INTRODUCTION: The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer developed an international database to inform potential revisions in the 9th edition of the Tumor, Node, Metastasis classification of diffuse pleural mesothelioma (PM). This study analyzed the clinical and pathological N categories to determine whether revisions were indicated relative to the 8th edition staging system.

METHODS: Of 7,338 PM cases diagnosed 2013 to 2022, 3,598 met all inclusion criteria for planned analyses. Data on 2,836 patients without metastases were included in this study. Overall survival (OS) was measured from date of diagnosis. Patients were included regardless of whether they received neoadjuvant treatment. For the pathological N analysis, patients who underwent resection (extrapleural pneumonectomy or pleurectomy/decortication) were included. N subgroups were analyzed and overall survival (OS) assessed by the Kaplan Meier method.

RESULTS: The existing 8th edition N categories performed adequately in the 9th edition dataset. A median OS advantage was noted for clinical and pathological N0 versus N1 patients: 23.2 versus 18.5 and 33.8 vs. 25.0 months, respectively. Patients with resected pN0 had a 3-year OS of 48%. No difference in OS was noted for single versus multiple station nodal metastases. The number of nodal stations sampled at the time of resection was not associated with a difference in OS.

CONCLUSIONS: Data regarding clinical and pathological N categories corroborate those used in the 8th edition. No changes in the N categories are recommended in the 9th edition of PM staging system.

RevDate: 2024-05-10

Gugnoni M, Lorenzini E, Torricelli F, et al (2024)

Linc00941 fuels ribogenesis and protein synthesis by supporting robust cMYC translation in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.

Cancer letters pii:S0304-3835(24)00343-4 [Epub ahead of print].

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare and lethal cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. The highly inflammatory environment caused by fibers accumulation forces cells to undergo profound adaptation to gain survival advantages. Prioritizing the synthesis of essential transcripts is an efficient mechanism coordinated by multiple molecules, including long non-coding RNAs. Enhancing the knowledge about these mechanisms is an essential weapon in combating mesothelioma. Linc00941 correlates to bad prognosis in various cancers, but it is reported to partake in distinct and apparently irreconcilable processes. In this work, we report that linc00941 supports the survival and aggressiveness of mesothelioma cells by influencing protein synthesis and ribosome biogenesis. Linc00941 binds to the translation initiation factor eIF4G, promoting the selective protein synthesis of cMYC, which, in turn, enhances the expression of key genes involved in translation. We analyzed a retrospective cohort of 97 mesothelioma patients' samples from our institution, revealing that linc00941 expression strongly correlates with reduced survival probability. This discovery clarifies linc00941's role in mesothelioma and proposes a unified mechanism of action for this lncRNA involving the selective translation of essential oncogenes, reconciling the discrepancies about its function.

RevDate: 2024-05-09
CmpDate: 2024-05-09

Bluhm M, Atmeh B, Boehm S, et al (2024)

Pleural Effusion Caused by an Unusual Mass in the Right Hemithorax.

Chest, 165(5):e151-e155.

An 80-year-old woman presented with complaints of weakness and dizziness. She had a medical history of subacute cerebral ischemia, vertigo, hypertension, and thalassemia minor. The patient was born and raised in Turkey and has lived in Switzerland for 50 years. Her sister died of a mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure at the age of 60 years but had lived in Turkey until her death. The patient had neither a history of TB nor B symptoms. She has never smoked.

RevDate: 2024-05-09

Stirpe E, Bardaro F, J Köhl (2024)

Gluteal muscle metastases from malignant pleural mesothelioma: a case report.

Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace [Epub ahead of print].

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare malignancy arising from the mesothelial or subthelial layer of the pleura, and it has increased in recent decades, mainly associated with asbestos exposure. Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is the second-most common subtype of MPM. It is usually difficult to differentiate MPM from benign mesothelial pleural proliferations or other cancers. Because of its nonspecific symptoms, MPM is often diagnosed at a late stage with distal metastases. However, it is extremely rare to see a metastatic lesion within subcutaneous tissue and muscles, which is most likely caused by hematogenous spread. We present a case of sarcomatoid mesothelioma with a metastatic lesion of the right gluteal muscles.

RevDate: 2024-05-07

Syed Ahmad SD, Kirk F, Wijesinghe W, et al (2024)

A peculiar presentation of tamponade: pericardial mesothelioma.

Journal of surgical case reports, 2024(5):rjae279.

Pericardial mesothelioma (PM) is rare with only 200 cases recorded, and a post-mortem prevalence of <0.0022%. It is the third most common cardiac/pericardial tumour, behind angiosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. PM incidence increases with age, typically incidentally diagnosed between 50 and 70 years, with a 3:1 male predominance. Occasional PM can cause chest pain, dyspnoea, cough and even dysphagia. PMs are often misdiagnosed with only 25% of cases being antemortem diagnoses. Unlike pleural mesothelioma, the link between asbestos exposure and malignancy is less convincing, with only 20% of cases having known exposure. 6 There are three histological types: epithelioid, fibrous (spindle cell), and biphasic (mixed). The average life-expectancy post diagnosis is 3-10 months. Due to the heterogeneity of the presentation and rarity there is no standardized management algorithm, and the diagnostic imaging or laboratory investigations are scarcely described. We are presenting one of the cases diagnosed in our unit here in the Gold Coast.

RevDate: 2024-05-03
CmpDate: 2024-05-03

Chin WL, Zemek RM, Tilsed CM, et al (2024)

Time-course RNAseq data of murine AB1 mesothelioma and Renca renal cancer following immune checkpoint therapy.

Scientific data, 11(1):448.

Time-critical transcriptional events in the immune microenvironment are important for response to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB), yet these events are difficult to characterise and remain incompletely understood. Here, we present whole tumor RNA sequencing data in the context of treatment with ICB in murine models of AB1 mesothelioma and Renca renal cell cancer. We sequenced 144 bulk RNAseq samples from these two cancer types across 4 time points prior and after treatment with ICB. We also performed single-cell sequencing on 12 samples of AB1 and Renca tumors an hour before ICB administration. Our samples were equally distributed between responders and non-responders to treatment. Additionally, we sequenced AB1-HA mesothelioma tumors treated with two sample dissociation protocols to assess the impact of these protocols on the quality transcriptional information in our samples. These datasets provide time-course information to transcriptionally characterize the ICB response and provide detailed information at the single-cell level of the early tumor microenvironment prior to ICB therapy.

RevDate: 2024-05-03
CmpDate: 2024-05-03

Lombardo C, Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, et al (2024)

Pleural mesothelioma from fluoro-edenite exposure: PACAP and PAC1 receptor. A preliminary report.

European journal of histochemistry : EJH, 68(2):.

Pleural mesothelioma is a devastating malignancy primarily associated with asbestos exposure. However, emerging evidence suggests that exposure to fluoro-edenite fibers, a naturally occurring mineral fiber, can also lead to the development of pleural mesothelioma. In this study, based on the hypothesis that pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and PACAP-preferring receptor (PAC1R) expressions could be dysregulated in pleural mesothelioma samples and that they could potentially act as diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers, we aimed to investigate the immunohistochemical expression of PACAP and PAC1R in pleural biopsies from patients with pleural mesothelioma exposed to fluoro-edenite fibers. A total of 12 patients were included in this study, and their biopsies were processed for immunohistochemical analysis to evaluate the expression of PACAP and its receptor. The study revealed a correlation between the overexpression of PACAP and PAC1R and shorter overall survival in patients with malignant mesothelioma. These findings suggest that PACAP and PAC1R expression levels could serve as potential prognostic biomarkers for malignant mesothelioma. Furthermore, the immunohistochemical analysis of PACAP and PAC1R may provide valuable information for clinicians to guide therapeutic decisions and identify patients with poorer prognosis.

RevDate: 2024-05-02

Fisher SA, Patrick K, Hoang T, et al (2024)

The MexTAg collaborative cross: host genetics affects asbestos related disease latency, but has little influence once tumours develop.

Frontiers in toxicology, 6:1373003 pii:1373003.

Objectives: This study combines two innovative mouse models in a major gene discovery project to assess the influence of host genetics on asbestos related disease (ARD). Conventional genetics studies provided evidence that some susceptibility to mesothelioma is genetic. However, the identification of host modifier genes, the roles they may play, and whether they contribute to disease susceptibility remain unknown. Here we report a study designed to rapidly identify genes associated with mesothelioma susceptibility by combining the Collaborative Cross (CC) resource with the well-characterised MexTAg mesothelioma mouse model. Methods: The CC is a powerful mouse resource that harnesses over 90% of common genetic variation in the mouse species, allowing rapid identification of genes mediating complex traits. MexTAg mice rapidly, uniformly, and predictably develop mesothelioma, but only after asbestos exposure. To assess the influence of host genetics on ARD, we crossed 72 genetically distinct CC mouse strains with MexTAg mice and exposed the resulting CC-MexTAg (CCMT) progeny to asbestos and monitored them for traits including overall survival, the time to ARD onset (latency), the time between ARD onset and euthanasia (disease progression) and ascites volume. We identified phenotype-specific modifier genes associated with these traits and we validated the role of human orthologues in asbestos-induced carcinogenesis using human mesothelioma datasets. Results: We generated 72 genetically distinct CCMT strains and exposed their progeny (2,562 in total) to asbestos. Reflecting the genetic diversity of the CC, there was considerable variation in overall survival and disease latency. Surprisingly, however, there was no variation in disease progression, demonstrating that host genetic factors do have a significant influence during disease latency but have a limited role once disease is established. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting ARD survival/latency were identified on chromosomes 6, 12 and X. Of the 97-protein coding candidate modifier genes that spanned these QTL, eight genes (CPED1, ORS1, NDUFA1, HS1BP3, IL13RA1, LSM8, TES and TSPAN12) were found to significantly affect outcome in both CCMT and human mesothelioma datasets. Conclusion: Host genetic factors affect susceptibility to development of asbestos associated disease. However, following mesothelioma establishment, genetic variation in molecular or immunological mechanisms did not affect disease progression. Identification of multiple candidate modifier genes and their human homologues with known associations in other advanced stage or metastatic cancers highlights the complexity of ARD and may provide a pathway to identify novel therapeutic targets.

RevDate: 2024-05-02
CmpDate: 2024-05-02

Burki T (2024)

EPA ruling to ban chrysotile asbestos.

The Lancet. Oncology, 25(5):537.

RevDate: 2024-05-01
CmpDate: 2024-05-01

Li H, Husain AN, Moffat D, et al (2024)

Nonmesothelial Spindle Cell Tumors of Pleura and Pericardium.

Surgical pathology clinics, 17(2):257-270.

Spindle cell lesions of the pleura and pericardium are rare. Distinction from sarcomatoid mesothelioma, which has a range of morphologic patterns, can be difficult, but accurate diagnosis matters. This article provides practical guidance for the diagnosis of pleural spindle cell neoplasms, focusing on primary lesions.

RevDate: 2024-05-01

Nuvoli B, Sacconi A, Bottillo G, et al (2024)

DHEA-S, Androstenedione, 17-β-estradiol signature as novel biomarkers for early prediction of risk of malignant pleural mesothelioma linked to asbestos-exposure: A preliminary investigation.

Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 175:116662 pii:S0753-3322(24)00546-8 [Epub ahead of print].

17-β-estradiol, involved in mesothelioma pathogenesis, and its precursors were explored as potential biomarkers for the early diagnosis of mesothelioma. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) for 17-β-estradiol and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry(UHPLC-MS/MS) for 19 17-β-estradiol precursors, a comprehensive analysis of 20steroid hormones was conducted in the serum of mesothelioma patients(n=67), asbestos-exposed healthy subjects(n=39), and non-asbestos-exposed healthy subjects(n=35). Bioinformatics analysis explored three potential serum biomarkers: 17-β-estradiol, DHEA-S, and androstenedione. The results revealed significant differences in 17-β-estradiol levels between mesothelioma patients and both non-asbestos-exposed and asbestos-exposed healthy subjects. No significant variations in serum 17-β-estradiol levels were observed among mesothelioma patients at different stages, suggesting its potential as an early diagnostic marker. 17-β-estradiol levels were similar in mesothelioma patients with environmental and occupational asbestos exposure, while males with occupational asbestos exposure exhibited significantly higher levels of 17-β-estradiol compared to females. Significant reduction in androstenedione and an increase in DHEA-S were observed in asbestos-exposed individuals compared to non-asbestos-exposed individuals. The analysis of DHEA-S-androstenedione-17-β-estradiol signature score showed an increase in asbestos-exposed individuals and mesothelioma patients compared to non-asbestos-exposed individuals, and this score effectively distinguished between the groups. The Cancer Genome Atlas data was utilized to analyze the expression of 5-α-reductase1 and hydroxysteroid-17β-dehydrogenase2 genes. The findings indicated that mesothelioma patients with elevated gene values for 5-α-reductase1 and hydroxysteroid-17β-dehydrogenase2 have a worse or better prognosis on overall survival, respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests 17-β-estradiol, DHEA-S, and androstenedione as biomarkers for mesothelioma risk and early diagnosis of mesothelioma in asbestos-exposed individuals, aiding timely intervention and improved care.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-27

Gogou E, Hatzoglou C, Siachpazidou D, et al (2024)

Asbestos ban policies and mesothelioma mortality in Greece.

BMC public health, 24(1):1177.

BACKGROUND: Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that mostly affects the pleura and has a strong link to asbestos exposure. Greece banned the use of asbestos in 2005, however, the public was already aware of this substance in the 1980s. This research aims to present an overview of Greece's mesothelioma age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR) from 1983 to 2019 by age, gender, and geographic region and to determine whether the actions to ban asbestos impacted these rates.

METHODS: Data were retrieved by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (HSA) from death certificates that mentioned mesothelioma as the cause of death from 1983 to 2019 with details on the residence, gender, and age. Statistical analysis was performed using PRISM 6.0 software, a two-way ANOVA test, Trend analysis was conducted using Joinpoint Regression Program 5.0 software. The linear and non-linear model was used to calculate the age-standardized rates of annual percentage change (APC) and its 95% confidential interval (95% CI).

RESULTS: From 1983 to 2019, 850 total mesothelioma deaths were recorded, the majority of whom were males (634). A rate of 74.6% accounts for males and 25.4% for females, and the ratio of Males: Females was 3:1. Males' ASMR and the whole population's ASMR reached their highest levels in 2011 (0.93/100000person-years and 0.53/100000person-years, respectively). To look for potential changes between the first two decades of the 21st century, we compared the mean ASMR of each geographic region in Greece between two different 10-year subperiods (2000-2009 and 2010-2019). Except for Epirus, all regions of Greece had elevated regional ASMRs, particularly in those with the highest asbestos deposits. Notably, the ASMR in Epirus decreased from 0.54/100000person-years (2000-2009) to 0.31/100000person-years (2010-2019). After 2011, the ASMR for men and the general population stabilized. This stability is important since mesothelioma in men is associated with occupational asbestos exposure. The intriguing discovery of a lower ASMR in Epirus emphasizes the need to raise awareness of the condition and implement effective public health measures.

CONCLUSIONS: In Greece, the annual ASMR for males and the whole population reached its highest level in 2011, which is positive and encouraging and may be a sign that the rate will stabilize during the following years. Moreover, this study showed that the actions made in the 1980s regarding public awareness and surveillance directly impacted the decrease in Epirus rates. Future research, continual awareness, information, and recording are needed to monitor the mesothelioma epidemic. The possible benefit of a mesothelioma registry and the epidemiological surveillance of asbestos-related diseases, particularly mesothelioma mortality, need to be addressed.


RevDate: 2024-04-25

Feder IS, Fruth E, A Tannapfel (2024)

[Asbestos: detection and characterization in tissue].

Pathologie (Heidelberg, Germany) [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: When asbestos fibers are inhaled, asbestos bodies can form in the lungs with the involvement of macrophages. It can take decades from the last exposure to the onset of an asbestos-related disease.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this review is to present methods to detect asbestos bodies in lung tissue, the development of diagnostic criteria and to discuss pros and cons of different methods.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observations and evaluations from the German Mesothelioma Register, along with relevant literature review and expert recommendations in guidelines are presented.

RESULTS: Assessing asbestos-related diseases requires recognition of the person's occupational history, the asbestos fiber burden in the lungs, and determining fiber types. Various methods have been developed and validated, including light microscopy techniques such as bright-field microscopy, phase-contrast microscopy, polarization microscopy, and differential interference microscopy, as well as electron microscopy techniques like field-emission-scanning electron microscopy (e.g., FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

CONCLUSION: The use of asbestos has been heavily restricted worldwide, even completely banned in Europe. Thus, patients' exposure to asbestos is decreasing. However, asbestos exposure during renovations, demolitions, or through unconscious handling of asbestos-containing materials remains a concern.

RevDate: 2024-04-20

Gómez Herrero H, B Álvarez Galván (2024)

Analysis of invasive diagnostic techniques for pathological confirmation of pleural mesothelioma.

Radiologia, 66 Suppl 1:S3-S9.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Mesothelioma is an infrequent neoplasm with a poor prognosis that is related to exposure to asbestos and whose peak incidence in Europe is estimated from 2020. Its diagnosis is complex; imaging techniques and the performance of invasive pleural techniques being essential for pathological confirmation. The different diagnostic yields of these invasive techniques are collected in the medical literature. The present work consisted of reviewing how the definitive diagnosis of mesothelioma cases in our centre was reached to check if there was concordance with the data in the bibliography.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective review of patients with a diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma in the period 2019-2021, analysing demographic data and exposure to asbestos, the semiology of the radiological findings and the invasive techniques performed to reach the diagnosis.

RESULTS: Twenty-six mesothelioma cases were reviewed. 22 men and 4 women. Median age 74 years. 9 patients had a history of asbestos exposure. Moderate-severe pleural effusion was the most frequent radiological finding (23/26). The sensitivity of the invasive techniques was as follows: Cytology 13%, biopsy without image guidance 11%, image-guided biopsy 93%, surgical biopsy 67%.

CONCLUSIONS: In our review, pleural biopsy performed with image guidance was the test that had the highest diagnostic yield, so it should be considered as the initial invasive test for the study of mesothelioma.

RevDate: 2024-04-19

Ejegi-Memeh S, Sherborne V, Mayland C, et al (2024)

Mental health and wellbeing in mesothelioma: A qualitative study exploring what helps the wellbeing of those living with this illness and their informal carers.

European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 70:102572 pii:S1462-3889(24)00070-X [Epub ahead of print].

PURPOSE: Mesothelioma is an incurable, asbestos related cancer with a poor prognosis. Little is known about how patients and carers living with the condition manage their mental health and wellbeing needs. This paper reports findings on interventions being used by patients and informal carers living with mesothelioma and those which they find most helpful.

METHODS: In-depth interviews with patients (n = 10) and (informal) carers (n = 11) living with mesothelioma in the UK. We analysed our data inductively using a reflexive thematic analysis approach.

RESULTS: Participants described the importance of both smaller and larger actions and strategies which helped with their mental health. This included spending more time with family and friends and going on holidays. Professionals who participants said supported their mental health journey included not only specialist nurses and mental health professionals but also legal and Asbestos Support Group professionals. The latter demonstrates the unique needs and support required for this population. Exposure to asbestos as the cause of mesothelioma, has led to a social justice aspect of the experience of living with this cancer. Participants reported the importance of collective action to their mental health and wellbeing. The data indicate that patients and carers may have distinct mental health and wellbeing requirements and need to manage these in different ways at different times.

CONCLUSIONS: Findings have implications for nurses and other key professionals working in healthcare, community and legal settings supporting this client group, and for those living with mesothelioma who want to understand ways to enhance their own wellbeing.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Liu RA, Wang BY, Chen X, et al (2024)

Association Study of Pleural Mesothelioma and Oncogenic Simian Virus 40 in the Crocidolite-Contaminated Area of Dayao County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China.

Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers [Epub ahead of print].

Background: In Dayao County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Southwest China, 5% of the surface is scattered with blue asbestos, which has a high incidence of pleural mesothelioma (PMe). Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a small circular double-stranded DNA polyomavirus that can cause malignant transformation of normal cells of various human and animal tissue types and promote tumor growth. In this study, we investigate whether oncogenic SV40 is associated with the occurrence of PMe in the crocidolite-contaminated area of Dayao County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Methods: Tumor tissues from 51 patients with PMe (40 of whom had a history of asbestos exposure) and pleural tissues from 12 non-PMe patients (including diseases such as pulmonary maculopathy and pulmonary tuberculosis) were collected. Three pairs of low-contamination risk primers (SVINT, SVfor2, and SVTA1) were used to detect the gene fragment of SV40 large T antigen (T-Ag) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presence of SV40 T-Ag in PMe tumor tissues and PMe cell lines was detected by Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining with SV40-related antibodies (PAb 101 and PAb 416). Results: PCR, Western blotting, and immunohistochemical staining results showed that the Met5A cell line was positive for SV40 and contained the SV40 T-Ag gene and protein. In contrast, the various PMe cell lines NCI-H28, NCI-H2052, and NCI-H2452 were negative for SV40. PCR was negative for all three sets of low-contamination risk primers in 12 non-PMe tissues and 51 PMe tissues. SV40 T-Ag was not detected in 12 non-PMe tissues or 51 PMe tissues by immunohistochemical staining. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the occurrence of PMe in the crocidolite-contaminated area of Yunnan Province may not be related to SV40 infection and that crocidolite exposure may be the main cause of PMe. The Clinical Trial Registration number: 2020-YXLL20.

RevDate: 2024-04-17

Yang SR, Jayakumaran G, Benhamida J, et al (2024)

Diffuse pleural mesotheliomas with genomic near-haploidization: a newly recognized subset with distinct clinical, histologic, and molecular features.

Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research pii:743086 [Epub ahead of print].

PURPOSE: Diffuse pleural mesotheliomas (DPMs) with genomic near-haploidization (GNH) represent a novel subtype first recognized by the TCGA project; however, its clinicopathologic and molecular features remain poorly defined.

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We analyzed clinical genomic profiling data from 290 patients with DPM using the MSK-IMPACT assay. Allele-specific copy number analysis was performed using the FACETS algorithm.

RESULTS: 210 patients were evaluable for LOH analysis using FACETS. In this cohort, GNH was detected in 10 cases (4.8%). Compared to non-GNH tumors, GNH DPMs were associated with younger age and less frequent self-reported history of occupational asbestos exposure. Histologically, GNH DPMs were enriched in biphasic subtype (80% vs. 14.5%) and showed abundant tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). Genomic analysis revealed a higher frequency of TP53 alterations, while SETDB1 mutations were present in nearly all and only in this subset. The clinicopathologic and molecular findings were further validated in a separate cohort. Despite the younger age, patients with GNH DPMs had a shorter overall survival (10.9 vs. 25.4 months, p=0.004); the poor prognostic impact of GNH remained significant after controlling for biphasic histology. Out of three patients with GNH DPMs who received immune checkpoint blockade (ICB), two achieved a clinician assessed partial response.

CONCLUSIONS: GNH defines an aggressive subtype of mainly biphasic DPMs in younger patients with recurrent alterations in SETDB1 and TP53. The enrichment in biphasic histology and TILs, together with our preliminary ICB response data and anecdotal clinical trial data, suggests that further evaluation of immunotherapy may be warranted in this subset.

RevDate: 2024-04-17

Mirra L, Beretta GL, Lisini D, et al (2024)

Therapeutic Strategies to Improve the Treatment of Pleural Mesothelioma.

Current medicinal chemistry pii:CMC-EPUB-139795 [Epub ahead of print].

Pleural mesothelioma is a rare neoplastic disease with aggressive features. Patient survival is poor due to the lack of early symptoms and the absence of effective therapeutic strategies. The development of pleural mesothelioma is mainly associated with asbestos exposure and related chronic inflammation. From a molecular-based perspective, this disease is a heterogeneous tumor lacking actionable alterations. The median overall survival of patients affected by this tumor does not exceed 16 months from diagnosis. Molecular and biochemical approaches have shown that this disease is characterized by resistance to drug-induced apoptosis associated with the activation of cell survival pathways and expression of anti-apoptotic proteins. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop efficient and safe therapeutic strategies. Here, we review the pharmacological options available for the treatment of this disease with specific reference to the antitumor agents used in systemic therapies. In addition, novel pharmacological approaches, such as drug delivery tools, to improve pleural mesothelioma treatment are discussed.

RevDate: 2024-04-15

Gibson AEJ, Ahmed W, Longworth L, et al (2024)

Development of Patient and Caregiver Conceptual Models Investigating the Health-Related Quality of Life Impacts of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.

The patient [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and usually fatal malignancy frequently linked to occupational asbestos exposures and associated with poor prognosis and considerable humanistic burden. The study aimed to develop conceptual models of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) impact on patients with and receiving treatment for MPM, and the burden on their caregivers.

METHODS: This multi-country study (Australia and United Kingdom) adopted a qualitative methodology to conduct semi-structured, independent interviews with people with MPM (n = 26), current caregivers (n = 20), and caregivers of people who had recently died because of MPM (n = 4). Participants were recruited using a purposive sampling approach and interviews conducted via telephone between January 2021 and January 2022. Transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis and used to construct conceptual models.

RESULTS: Patient analysis yielded four overarching themes: (1) debilitating burden of breathlessness and fatigue; (2) physical mesothelioma symptoms experienced by patients; (3) distress of MPM on the self and family; and (4) treatment is worth 'having a go' despite the potential impact on symptoms. Caregiver analysis yielded five core themes: (1) daily life limited by caregiving duties; (2) emotional well-being and the need for support; (3) the relational role shift to caregiver; (4) time spent providing care negatively impacts work and productivity; and (5) positive aspects and outcomes of caregiving.

CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the substantial daily and emotional HRQoL impact that MPM symptoms have on patients and caregivers. Both groups reduced work, productivity, and social and leisure activities. There was evidence of positive HRQoL impacts as a result of immunotherapy and radiotherapy, but less for chemotherapy. Caregiver impacts were intensified during the end-of-life period and persisted following patient death. Evident is a need for increased psychological support, information, and advice for caregivers, increased during the end-of-life period.

RevDate: 2024-04-15

Miller E, Beckett EM, Cheatham D, et al (2024)

A review of the mesotheliogenic potency of cleavage fragments found in talc.

Toxicology and industrial health [Epub ahead of print].

It has long been recognized that amphibole minerals, such as cleavage fragments of tremolite and anthophyllite, may exist in some talc deposits. We reviewed the current state of the science regarding the factors influencing mesotheliogenic potency of cleavage fragments, with emphasis on those that may co-occur in talc deposits, including dimensional and structural characteristics, animal toxicology, and the most well-studied cohort exposed to talc-associated cleavage fragments. Based on our review, multiple lines of scientific evidence demonstrate that inhaled cleavage fragments associated with talc do not pose a mesothelioma hazard.

RevDate: 2024-04-09

Kadariya Y, Sementino E, Ruan M, et al (2024)

Low Exposures to Amphibole or Serpentine Asbestos in Germline Bap1-mutant Mice Induce Mesothelioma Characterized by an Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment.

Cancer research communications, 4(4):1004-1015.

UNLABELLED: Asbestos and BAP1 germline mutations are risk factors for malignant mesothelioma (MM). While it is well accepted that amphibole asbestos is carcinogenic, the role of serpentine (chrysotile) asbestos in MM has been debated. To address this controversy, we assessed whether minimal exposure to chrysotile could significantly increase the incidence and rate of MM onset in germline Bap1-mutant mice. With either crocidolite or chrysotile, and at each dose tested, MMs occurred at a significantly higher rate and earlier onset time in Bap1-mutant mice than in wild-type littermates. To explore the role of gene-environment interactions in MMs from Bap1-mutant mice, we investigated proinflammatory and protumorigenic factors and the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME). IHC and immunofluorescence staining showed an increased number of macrophages in granulomatous lesions and MMs. The relative number of CD163-positive (CD163+) M2 macrophages in chrysotile-induced MMs was consistently greater than in crocidolite-induced MMs, suggesting that chrysotile induces a more profound immunosuppressive response that creates favorable conditions for evading immune surveillance. MMs from Bap1-mutant mice showed upregulation of CD39/CD73-adenosine and C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 (Ccl2)/C-C motif chemokine receptor 2 (Ccr2) pathways, which together with upregulation of IL6 and IL10, promoted an immunosuppressive TIME, partly by attracting M2 macrophages. Interrogation of published human MM RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data implicated these same immunosuppressive pathways and connections with CD163+ M2 macrophages. These findings indicate that increased M2 macrophages, along with upregulated CD39/CD73-adenosine and Ccl2/Ccr2 pathways, contribute to an immunosuppressive TIME in chrysotile-induced MMs of Bap1-mutant mice, suggesting that immunotherapeutic strategies targeting protumorigenic immune pathways could be beneficial in human BAP1 mutation carriers who develop MM.

SIGNIFICANCE: We show that germline Bap1-mutant mice have enhanced susceptibility to MM upon minimal exposure to chrysotile asbestos, not only amphibole fibers. Chrysotile induced a more profound immune tumor response than crocidolite in Bap1-mutant mice by upregulating CD39/CD73-adenosine and Ccl2/Ccr2 pathways and recruiting more M2 macrophages, which together contributed to an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Interrogation of human MM RNA-seq data revealed interconnected immunosuppressive pathways consistent with our mouse findings.

RevDate: 2024-04-07

Stevens ME, Paustenbach DJ, Lockhart NJ, et al (2024)

The presence of erionite in North American geologies and the estimated mesothelioma potency by region.

Inhalation toxicology [Epub ahead of print].

OBJECTIVE: Erionite is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral found in soils in some geographical regions. Known for its potency for causing mesothelioma in the Cappadocia region of Turkey, the erionite fiber has attracted interest in the United States due to its presence in a band of rock that extends from Mexico to Montana. There are few toxicology studies of erionite, but all show it to have unusually high chronic toxicity. Despite its high potency compared to asbestos fibers, erionite has no occupational or environmental exposure limits. This paper takes what has been learned about the chemical and physical characteristics of the various forms of asbestos (chrysotile, amosite, anthophyllite, and crocidolite) and predicts the potency of North American erionite fibers.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on the fiber potency model in Korchevskiy et al. (2019) and the available published information on erionite, the estimated mesothelioma potency factors (the proportion of mesothelioma mortality per unit cumulative exposure (f/cc-year)) for erionites in the western United States were determined.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The model predicted potency factors ranged from 0.19 to 11.25 (average ∼3.5), depending on the region. For reference, crocidolite (the most potent commercial form of asbestos) is assigned a potency factor ∼0.5.

CONCLUSION: The model predicted mesothelioma potency of Turkish erionite (4.53) falls in this same range of potencies as erionite found in North America. Although it can vary by region, a reasonable ratio of average mesothelioma potency based on this model is 3,000:500:100:1 comparing North American erionite, crocidolite, amosite, and chrysotile (from most potent to least potent).

RevDate: 2024-03-29

Lanfranco A, Rakhshan S, Alberti D, et al (2024)

Combining BNCT with carbonic anhydrase inhibition for mesothelioma treatment: Synthesis, in vitro, in vivo studies of ureidosulfamido carboranes.

European journal of medicinal chemistry, 270:116334 pii:S0223-5234(24)00214-9 [Epub ahead of print].

Mesothelioma is a malignant neoplasm of mesothelial cells caused by exposure to asbestos. The average survival time after diagnosis is usually nine/twelve months. A multi-therapeutic approach is therefore required to treat and prevent recurrence. Boronated derivatives containing a carborane cage, a sulfamido group and an ureido functionality (CA-USF) have been designed, synthesised and tested, in order to couple Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) and the inhibition of Carbonic Anhydrases (CAs), which are overexpressed in many tumours. In vitro studies showed greater inhibition than the reference drug acetazolamide (AZ). To increase solubility in aqueous media, CA-USFs were used as inclusion complexes of hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) in all the inhibition and cell experiments. BNCT experiments carried out on AB22 (murine mesothelioma) cell lines showed a marked inhibition of cell proliferation by CA-USFs, and in one case a complete inhibition of proliferation twenty days after neutron irradiation. Finally, in vivo neutron irradiation experiments on a mouse model of mesothelioma demonstrated the efficiency of combining CA IX inhibition and BNCT treatment. Indeed, a greater reduction in tumour mass was observed in treated mice compared to untreated mice, with a significant higher effect when combined with BNCT. For in vivo experiments CA-USFs were administered as inclusion complexes of higher molecular weight β-CD polymers thus increasing the selective extravasation into tumour tissue and reducing clearance. In this way, boron uptake was maximised and CA-USFs demonstrated to be in vivo well tolerated at a therapeutic dose. The therapeutic strategy herein described could be expanded to other cancers with increased CA IX activity, such as melanoma, glioma, and breast cancer.

RevDate: 2024-03-27

Mei W, Zhang YP, SJ Yang (2024)

[Research progress on pathogenesis of malignant mesothelioma].

Zhonghua lao dong wei sheng zhi ye bing za zhi = Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi = Chinese journal of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases, 42(3):232-240.

The occurrence of malignant mesothelioma is related to exposure of asbestos. And many researchers have conducted in-depth analysis of the molecular changes of mesothelioma, showed that its molecular characteristics were chromosome changes, including chromosome rearrangement, gene mutation and gene deletion. Recent studies have strengthened our understanding of molecular characterization of mesothelioma, such as targeted mutations of tumor suppressor genes, differential gene expression, changes of miRNA and signal pathways. It is of great significance for the early diagnosis, clinical treatment and prognosis of malignant mesothelioma to explore the pathogenesis and development of malignant mesothelioma. This article reviews the research progress on the pathogenesis and carcinogenesis-related molecules of malignant mesothelioma.

RevDate: 2024-03-27

Wang ZZ, Zhang JJ, Song PP, et al (2024)

[Survival analysis of 37 cases of malignant mesothelioma].

Zhonghua lao dong wei sheng zhi ye bing za zhi = Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi = Chinese journal of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases, 42(3):191-195.

Objective: To explore the relationship between clinicopathological features, treatment and prognosis of patients with malignant mesothelioma, and provide theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of malignant mesothelioma. Methods: In November 2022, the clinical data of 37 patients with malignant mesothelioma diagnosed in Qingdao Central Hospital from July 2014 to November 2022 were retrospectively analyzed, and the prognostic factors were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier and log-rank tests. Results: The median age of the 37 patients was 66 years old, all patients were confirmed by pathology. The median survival time of all patients was 30.00 months. The 1-year, 2-year, 3-year and 5-year cumulative survival rates were 70.27% (26/37), 48.65% (18/37), 16.22% (6/37) and 13.51% (5/37), respectively. Compared with different treatments, the median survival time of palliative care patients was 5.00 months, which was significantly lower than that of operation group (30.33 months), chemotherapy group (30.00 months), surgery combined with chemotherapy group (30.00 months) and chemotherapy combined with bevacizumab targeted therapy group (47.42 months) (P<0.05). Gender, age (≥60 years old or <60 years old), smoking history, occupational exposure history, disease site, and surgical history were not factors affecting the survival of malignant mesothelioma patients (P>0.05) . Conclusion: The clinical symptoms of malignant mesothelioma are not specific, but early initiation of treatment can still prolong survival, and chemotherapy combined with anti-vascular targeted therapy shows better therapeutic effect.

RevDate: 2024-03-27

Mirabelli D, Somigliana AB, Azzolina D, et al (2024)

Lung fibre burden and risk of malignant mesothelioma in shipyard workers: a necropsy-based case-control study.

Annals of work exposures and health pii:7635545 [Epub ahead of print].

OBJECTIVES: In Italy, the highest pleural cancer mortality and incidence have been observed among Italian regions where the 2 largest Italian shipyards were (and are) located. The objective of this study was to assess the exposure-response relationship for mesothelioma among male workers employed in the Monfalcone, Italy, shipyard.

METHODS: We conducted a necropsy-based case-control study. Cases (N = 102) were mesothelioma decedents and controls were those with lung cancer (N = 84). Complete job histories were available; the lung fibre content was measured using a scanning electron microscope with X-ray fluorescence, after sample preparation according to the European Respiratory Society guidelines. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals of mesothelioma by fibre type and lung fibre burden, as a categorical or continuous variable, were assessed by unconditional logistic regression, adjusted for age and time since exposure cessation. Analyses for the amphibole and chrysotile lung fibre burden were mutually adjusted. We calculated a cumulative exposure index by applying a job-exposure matrix to the job histories of study cases and assessed its correlation with the lung fibre burden.

RESULTS: We found an odds ratio of 22.0 (confidence intervals 5.66-85.7) for the highest lung fibre burden category (mean 43.8 million total asbestos fibres per gram of dry tissue) compared with the reference (mean 0.48). Using log10-transformed lung fibre burden, we found that the odds ratio was 3.71 (confidence intervals 2.03-6.79) for a 10-fold lung fibre burden increase. Results for the amphibole lung fibre burden were similar. Odds ratios increased over chrysotile lung fibre burden categories (P-trend = 0.025), and the odds ratio for a 10-fold increase was 4.73 (confidence intervals 0.32-70.4).

CONCLUSIONS: The cumulative exposure index was correlated with total and amphibole lung fibre burden, but not with chrysotile lung fibre burden. Mesothelioma risk was proportional to total, amphibole, and chrysotile lung fibre burden in shipyard workers.

RevDate: 2024-03-27

Roggli VL, Pavlisko EN, Glass CH, et al (2024)

Response to the editor-Environmental Research this letter is a critique of the paper by Roggli et al. (1) regarding chronological trends of the fiber burden in mesothelioma cases.

RevDate: 2024-03-24

Sherborne V, Wood E, Mayland CR, et al (2024)

The mental health and well-being implications of a mesothelioma diagnosis: A mixed methods study.

European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 70:102545 pii:S1462-3889(24)00043-7 [Epub ahead of print].

PURPOSE: Mesothelioma is an incurable, asbestos-related cancer with a poor prognosis. There is scant evidence about the mental health and well-being impacts on patients and carers living with the illness. This study aimed to investigate mesothelioma's impact on mental health and well-being and the scale of mental health conditions in patients and informal carers.

METHODS: A mixed-methods design was used: a cross-sectional survey of mesothelioma patients and informal carers plus semi-structured interviews with patients and carers. The survey used validated scales collecting data on mental health aspects of mesothelioma: the EQ5D to assess health-related quality-of-life; the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale; the PCL-5 to assess Posttraumatic Stress; and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. The datasets were integrated during analysis.

RESULTS: 96 useable survey responses were received. A clinical level of depression was reported by 29 participants (30.21%), of anxiety by 48 (50%), of posttraumatic distress disorder by 32 (33.33%), and of posttraumatic growth by 34 (35.42%). Carers had worse scores than patients. Three main themes were developed from interviews with 10 patients and 11 carers: 'Prognosis', 'Support from services', and 'Social connections and communication'.

CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare professionals delivering a mesothelioma diagnosis require regular training in communication skills plus updating in current treatment options, so they provide an appropriate mix of realism and hope. Better signposting to mental health support is needed for patients and carers. Our introduction of posttraumatic growth into the mesothelioma literature is novel. We recommend specialist nurses are trained to recognise, understand, and foster posttraumatic growth.

RevDate: 2024-03-23

Gill RR, Nowak AK, Giroux DJ, et al (2024)

The IASLC Mesothelioma Staging Project: Proposals for Revisions of the 'T' Descriptors in the Forthcoming 9[th] Edition of the TNM Classification for Pleural Mesothelioma.

Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer pii:S1556-0864(24)00086-8 [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: The primary tumor (T) component in the 8[th] edition of pleural mesothelioma (PM) staging system is based on pleural involvement and extent of invasion. Quantitative assessment of pleural tumor has been shown to be prognostic. We explored quantitative and qualitative metrics to develop recommendations for T descriptors in the upcoming 9[th] edition of the PM staging system.

METHODS: The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) prospectively collected data on PM patients. Sum of maximum pleural thickness (Psum) was recorded. Optimal combinations of Psum and 8[th] edition cT descriptors were assessed using recursive binary splitting algorithm, with bootstrap resampling to correct for the adaptive nature of the splitting algorithm and validated in the 8[th] edition data. Overall survival (OS) was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method and differences in OS assessed by the log-rank test.

RESULTS: Of 7,338 patients submitted, 3,598 were eligible for cT analysis and 1,790 had Psum measurements. Recursive partitioning identified optimal cutpoints of Psum at 12 and 30 mm which, in combination with extent of invasion, yielded four prognostic groups for OS. Fmax >5mm indicated poor prognosis. cT4 category (based on invasion) showed similar performance to 8[th] edition. Three 8[th] edition descriptors were eliminated based on low predictive accuracy. Eighth edition pT descriptors remained valid in 9[th] edition analyses.

CONCLUSION: Given reproducible prognostication by Psum, size criteria will be incorporated into cT1-T3 categories in the 9th edition. Current cT4 category and all pT descriptors will be maintained, with reclassification of fissural invasion as pT2.

RevDate: 2024-03-22

Singh S, Roy Pradhan S, Yadav A, et al (2023)

Banning asbestos in talcum powder: Time for action in India.

Dialogues in health, 3:100158 pii:S2772-6533(23)00062-X.

Long-term use of asbestos-contaminated talcum power has been reported to be the main causative agent for carcinogenesis in many research studies. In recent developments Johnson & Johnson has lost multimillion-dollar lawsuits for being associated with the development of mesothelioma and ovarian cancer by its talc-based baby powder. In May 2020, the company announced, the end of the sale of its baby powder in the USA and Canada and in August 2022, announced the global discontinuation by 2023. However, in India vast proportions of people are using talc-based baby powder and the products are readily available in the market. The purpose of this communication is to create awareness and draw attention of authorities for effective regulation, including prohibition of sale and retraction of the contaminated talc-based products from the Indian market at the earliest.

RevDate: 2024-03-21

Singh A, Bansal C, Singla D, et al (2024)

Peritoneal Malignant Mesothelioma Metastasizing to Lymph Node in Young Male-a Case Report.

Indian journal of surgical oncology, 15(1):145-148.

Peritoneal malignant mesothelioma is an uncommon neoplasm with a poor prognosis. We hereby report a case of a 20-year-old male, first diagnosed on biopsy with axillary lymph node metastasis. He presented with abdominal pain and axillary lymphadenopathy, with no history of asbestos exposure. CECT showed peritoneal thickening and ascites. Ascitic fluid cytology showed reactive morphology. The diagnosis of metastatic deposits of malignant mesothelioma was made on histopathology and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Tumor cells were immune-reactive for CK 5/6, calretinin, D2-40, and WT1 and negative for TTF1, CK 20, and CD 3. This case report has two important highlights-(i) unusual presentation with axillary lymph node metastasis leading to diagnostic dilemma in a young male with no asbestos exposure history and (ii) confirmatory diagnostic role of IHC in Peritoneal malignant mesothelioma.

RevDate: 2024-03-20

Tuncel T, Ak G, Güneş HV, et al (2024)

Complex Genomic Rearrangement Patterns in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma due to Environmental Asbestos Exposure.

Journal of environmental pathology, toxicology and oncology : official organ of the International Society for Environmental Toxicology and Cancer, 43(2):13-27.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare type of cancer, and its main risk factor is exposure to asbestos. Accordingly, our knowledge of the genomic structure of an MPM tumor is limited when compared to other cancers. In this study, we aimed to characterize complex genomic rearrangement patterns and variations to better understand the genomics of MPM tumors. We comparatively scanned 3 MPM tumor genomes by Whole-Genome Sequencing and High-Resolution SNP array. We also used various computational algorithms to detect both CNAs and complex chromosomal rearrangements. Genomic data obtained from each bioinformatics tool are interpreted comparatively to better understand CNAs and cancer-related Nucleotide variations in MPM tumors. In patients 1 and 2, we found pathogenic nucleotide variants of BAP1, RB1, and TP53. These two MPM genomes exhibited a highly rearranged chromosomal rearrangement pattern resembling Chromomanagesis particularly in the form of Chromoanasynthesis. In patient 3, we found nucleotide variants of important cancer-related genes, including TGFBR1, KMT2C, and PALLD, to have lower chromosomal rearrangement complexity compared with patients 1 and 2. We also detected several actionable nucleotide variants including XRCC1, ERCC2. We also discovered the SKA3-DDX10 fusion in two MPM genomes, which is a novel finding for MPM. We found that MPM genomes are very complex, suggesting that this highly rearranged pattern is strongly related to driver mutational status like BAP1, TP53 and RB1.

RevDate: 2024-03-19

Rota M, Viscardi A, Maghin F, et al (2024)

Mesothelioma among seamen: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) pii:00008469-990000000-00131 [Epub ahead of print].

OBJECTIVES: Navy personnel and seafarers live and work 24 h per day in the shipboard environment and they are exposed to asbestos fibers released into the confined spaces aboard ships. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify the mesothelioma risk of seamen working aboard ships, either commercial or naval vessels, as compared to that of the general population.

METHODS: We carried out a literature search in MEDLINE through PubMed and EMBASE, from inception to 31 December 2021, of all studies on seamen working aboard ships, either commercial or naval vessels, characterized by exposure to asbestos and providing mesothelioma risk estimates. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess the quality of the studies included. The pooled standardized mortality ratio (SMR) was computed across eligible studies. The study protocol was registered on PROSPERO and reporting followed the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses guidelines.

RESULTS: A total of 10 studies published from 1990 to 2020 were considered eligible and included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. All the included studies were of good quality, with a median score of seven out of nine. Overall, there were 235 mesothelioma cases/deaths in the included studies versus 115.6 expected, with a pooled SMR of 2.11 (95% confidence intervals, 1.70-2.62), in the absence of a significant between-study heterogeneity (I2 = 39%, P = 0.11).

CONCLUSION: A more than double excess risk for mesothelioma among seamen working aboard ships emerged from our meta-analysis.

RevDate: 2024-03-19

Dodson RF, Moline J, Salinas CD, et al (2024)

Elongated particulate burden in an individual who died of mesothelioma and had an occupational history as a talc "mucker".

Inhalation toxicology [Epub ahead of print].

INTRODUCTION: Tissue from a 77-year-old man diagnosed with mesothelioma was referred with a request for identification of the presence of fibrous structures in tissue samples. The individual's work history including working as a "mucker" at a specific "industrial" talc mine.

METHODS: Ferruginous bodies in the tissue digests as well as asbestos fibers were found. A bulk sample of a talc containing product from that mine was also analyzed.

DISCUSSIONS/CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between the unique asbestos mineral/fibrous content of the talc to which he was exposed and findings of the same type of asbestos found in his lung is discussed. The type of asbestos found (tremolite) is a "non-commercial" type of asbestos that has been identified in some talc deposits. Tremolite, like all forms of asbestos is a causative agent for mesothelioma-the disease from which this individual suffered.

RevDate: 2024-03-19

Miao X, Yao T, Dong C, et al (2024)

Global, regional, and national burden of non-communicable diseases attributable to occupational asbestos exposure 1990-2019 and prediction to 2035: worsening or improving?.

BMC public health, 24(1):832.

Understanding the burden associated with occupational asbestos exposure on a global and regional scale is necessary to implement coordinated prevention and control strategies. By the GBD Study 2019, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of the non-communicable diseases burden attributable to occupational asbestos exposure. In 2019, 239,330 deaths and 4,189,000 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) worldwide due to occupational asbestos exposure occurred. 1990-2019, deaths and DALYs attributed to occupational asbestos exposure increased by 65.65% and 43.66%, respectively. Age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) and age-standardized DALYs rate (ASDR) decreased, with the most rapid declines in high Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) regions, with average annual percent change (AAPC) of - 1.05(95%CI: -1.2, -0.89) and -1.53(95%CI: -1.71, -1.36), respectively. Lung cancer, mesothelioma and ovarian cancer were the top three contributors to the increase in deaths and DALYs, accounting for more than 96%. AAPCs of ASMR and ASDR were positively associated with SDI. Global deaths from occupational asbestos exposure were predicted to increase and ASMR to decrease by 2035, mostly in males. Due consideration should be given to the susceptibility of the elderly, the lag of asbestos onset, and the regional differences, and constantly improve the prevention and control measures of occupational asbestos exposure and related diseases.

RevDate: 2024-03-19
CmpDate: 2024-03-19

Barnes H, RF Hoy (2024)

Changing trends in mesothelioma: Important lessons for an occupational disease registry.

Respirology (Carlton, Vic.), 29(4):269-270.

RevDate: 2024-03-15

Frank AL (2024)

To the Editor-environmental research this letter is a critique of the paper by Roggli et al. (regarding chronological trends of the fiber burden in mesothelioma cases.

RevDate: 2024-03-14

Chellini E (2024)

[Is the epidemiological surveillance of malignant mesothelioma implemented in Italy still valid and necessary?].

Epidemiologia e prevenzione, 48(1):78-84.

The register of malignant mesotheliomas can still play an informative role in the context of both remediation activities and the health surveillance of former asbestos-exposed persons, and become an epidemiological surveillance system on the harmful effects of exposure to asbestos. It must, however, maintain and improve the level of quality achieved, resolve the problems that have emerged in the interaction between the local level (where cases and their exposure histories are identified, registered, assessed, and medical insurance procedures activated) and the central insurance body that also manages the national register, and become an active participant in research, including clinical research. All this is important to meet the social and welfare justice needs of individual cases.

RevDate: 2024-03-11

Costantino C, Ledda C, Riccò M, et al (2024)

Decade-long insights: tracking asbestos-related health impacts among formerly exposed workers in Palermo, Italy.

Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: Asbestos is a foremost occupational carcinogen globally. Despite the prohibition under Law 257/1992, Italy persists as one of the European nations most burdened by asbestos-related diseases (ARDs). This research assessed ARD cases in asbestosexposed workers from the Province of Palermo, Italy, spanning 2010-2021.

METHODS: Data acquisition utilized the epidemiological dataset from the 'Service of Prevention and Safety on Work Environment' under the Prevention Department of Palermo's Local Health Authority (LHA).

RESULTS: Between 2010 and 2021, we identified 245 ARD instances, comprising 163 Asbestosis/Pleural plaques, 41 Lung Cancers, 38 Mesotheliomas, and 3 unspecified cases. Multivariate analysis indicated a notable decline in temporal exposure for mesothelioma (HR=0.933; 95% CI=0.902-0.965) and lung cancer (HR=0.93; 95% CI=0.90-0.978) relative to pleural plaques/asbestosis. Tobacco use displayed a pronounced correlation with lung cancer (smoker HR=64.520 95% CI=13,075-318.390; former smoker HR=20.917 95% CI=4,913-89.048). A significant link was observed between mesothelioma and pleural plaques/asbestosis in those employed in shipbuilding and repair (HR=0.371 95% CI=0.155-0.892).

CONCLUSIONS: ARDs persist in clinical observations, even following the 1992 cessation of asbestos-related activities, emphasizing an enduring public health challenge. Enhancing prevention strategies is paramount, focusing on amplifying anamnestic and occupational data collection, thereby facilitating superior early diagnosis strategies for these maladies in the occupationally exposed cohort.

RevDate: 2024-03-11

Liu J, Lu Y, Liu Y, et al (2024)

A gene signature linked to fibroblast differentiation for prognostic prediction of mesothelioma.

Cell & bioscience, 14(1):33.

BACKGROUND: Malignant mesothelioma is a type of infrequent tumor that is substantially related to asbestos exposure and has a terrible prognosis. We tried to produce a fibroblast differentiation-related gene set for creating a novel classification and prognostic prediction model of MESO.

METHOD: Three databases, including NCBI-GEO, TCGA, and MET-500, separately provide single-cell RNA sequencing data, bulk RNA sequencing profiles of MESO, and RNA sequencing information on bone metastatic tumors. Dimensionality reduction and clustering analysis were leveraged to acquire fibroblast subtypes in the MESO microenvironment. The fibroblast differentiation-related genes (FDGs), which were associated with survival and subsequently utilized to generate the MESO categorization and prognostic prediction model, were selected in combination with pseudotime analysis and survival information from the TCGA database. Then, regulatory network was constructed for each MESO subtype, and candidate inhibitors were predicted. Clinical specimens were collected for further validation.

RESULT: A total of six fibroblast subtypes, three differentiation states, and 39 FDGs were identified. Based on the expression level of FDGs, three MESO subtypes were distinguished in the fibroblast differentiation-based classification (FDBC). In the multivariate prognostic prediction model, the risk score that was dependent on the expression level of several important FDGs, was verified to be an independently effective prognostic factor and worked well in internal cohorts. Finally, we predicted 24 potential drugs for the treatment of MESO. Moreover, immunohistochemical staining and statistical analysis provided further validation.

CONCLUSION: Fibroblast differentiation-related genes (FDGs), especially those in low-differentiation states, might participate in the proliferation and invasion of MESO. Hopefully, the raised clinical subtyping of MESO would provide references for clinical practitioners.

RevDate: 2024-03-09

Rigon M, Mutti L, M Campanella (2024)

Pleural mesothelioma (PMe): The evolving molecular knowledge of a rare and aggressive cancer.

Molecular oncology [Epub ahead of print].

Mesothelioma is a type of late-onset cancer that develops in cells covering the outer surface of organs. Although it can affect the peritoneum, heart, or testicles, it mainly targets the lining of the lungs, making pleural mesothelioma (PMe) the most common and widely studied mesothelioma type. PMe is caused by exposure to fibres of asbestos, which when inhaled leads to inflammation and scarring of the pleura. Despite the ban on asbestos by most Western countries, the incidence of PMe is on the rise, also facilitated by a lack of specific symptomatology and diagnostic methods. Therapeutic options are also limited to mainly palliative care, making this disease untreatable. Here we present an overview of biological aspects underlying PMe by listing genetic and molecular mechanisms behind its onset, aggressive nature, and fast-paced progression. To this end, we report on the role of deubiquitinase BRCA1-associated protein-1 (BAP1), a tumour suppressor gene with a widely acknowledged role in the corrupted signalling and metabolism of PMe. This review aims to enhance our understanding of this devastating malignancy and propel efforts for its investigation.

RevDate: 2024-03-06

Haakensen VD, Öjlert ÅK, Thunold S, et al (2024)

UV1 telomerase vaccine with ipilimumab and nivolumab as second line treatment for pleural mesothelioma - A phase II randomised trial.

European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990), 202:113973 pii:S0959-8049(24)00129-1 [Epub ahead of print].

PURPOSE: The NIPU-trial investigates the effect of adding the telomerase vaccine UV1 to treatment with ipilimumab and nivolumab for patients with pleural mesothelioma (PM).

METHODS: In this phase 2 open-label trial, patients with PM progressing after first-line chemotherapy were randomised to receive ipilimumab and nivolumab alone (arm B) or combined with UV1 (arm A). The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS) as determined by BICR. It was estimated that 69 PFS events were needed to detect a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.60 with 80% power and a one-sided alpha level of 0.10.

RESULTS: 118 patients were randomised. The median PFS determined by blinded independent central review (BICR) was 4.2 months (95%CI 2.9-9.8) in arm A and 4.7 months (95%CI 3.9-7.0) in arm B (HR 1.01, 80%CI 0.75-1.36 P = 0.979), after a median follow-up of 12.5 months (95%CI 9.7-15.6). The investigator-determined median PFS was 4.3 months (95%CI 3.0-6.8) in arm A and 2.9 months (95%CI 2.4-5.5) in arm B (HR 0.60, 80%CI 0.45-0.81 P = 0.025). Confirmed objective response rate (ORR) by BICR was 31% in arm A and 16% in arm B (odds ratio 2.44 80%CI 1.35-4.49 P = 0.056). After a median follow-up time of 17.3 months (95%CI 15.8-22.9), the OS was 15.4 months (95%CI 11.1-22.6) in arm A and 11.1 months (95%CI 8.8-18.1) in arm B, (HR 0.73, 80%CI 0.53-1.0, P = 0.197).

CONCLUSION: The primary endpoint was not met. Predefined analyses of response rates are in favour of adding the vaccine.

RevDate: 2024-03-01

Amakusa Y, Suzuki T, Hikosaka Y, et al (2024)

Successful treatment of simultaneous malignant pleural mesothelioma and pulmonary adenocarcinoma: A case report.

Oncology letters, 27(4):155 pii:OL-27-4-14288.

The present report described the case of a 74-year-old male patient with asbestos exposure whose chest computed tomography revealed a right lower lobe nodule and right pleural effusion. Pleural biopsy led to the diagnosis of epithelial malignant pleural mesothelioma (cT2N0M0, stage IB). Combination therapy with cisplatin + pemetrexed led to the complete remission of malignant pleural mesothelioma; however, the right lower lobe nodule grew in size over time. The patient was subsequently diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma (cT1aN0M0, stage IA1) by computed tomography-guided biopsy performed 18 months after chemotherapy initiation and achieved remission of lung adenocarcinoma with stereotactic radiotherapy. The patient was alive without recurrence at the 12-month follow-up. The present case illustrated that multiple active regimens are currently available for malignant pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer that can aid in the treatment of complex cases.

RevDate: 2024-02-29

Shimizu D, Ishibashi M, Yamada T, et al (2024)

POLD1 Is Required for Cell Cycle Progression by Overcoming DNA Damage in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.

Cancer genomics & proteomics, 21(2):158-165.

BACKGROUND/AIM: The prognosis of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) remains poor due to lack of effective therapeutic targets. DNA damage caused by long-time exposure to asbestos fibers has been associated with the development of MPM, with mutations at genes encoding DNA damage repair (DDR)-related molecules frequently expressed in patients with MPM. The present study was designed to identify novel therapeutic targets in MPM using large public databases, such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Genotype Tissue Expression project (GTEx) focused on DDR pathways.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The correlations between mRNA expression levels of DDR-related genes and overall survival (OS) were analyzed in mesothelioma patients in TCGA mesothelioma (TCGA-MESO) datasets. The anti-tumor effects of small interfering RNAs (siRNA) against DDR-related genes associated with OS were subsequently tested in MPM cell lines.

RESULTS: High levels of mRNA encoding DNA polymerase delta 1, catalytic subunit (POLD1) were significantly associated with reduced OS in patients with MPM (p<0.001, Log-rank test). In addition, siRNA targeting POLD1 (siPOLD1) caused cell cycle arrest at the G1/S checkpoint and induced apoptosis involving accumulation of DNA damage in MPM cell lines.

CONCLUSION: POLD1 plays essential roles in overcoming DNA damage and cell cycle progression at the G1/S checkpoint in MPM cells. These findings suggest that POLD1 may be a novel therapeutic target in MPM.

RevDate: 2024-02-29
CmpDate: 2024-02-29

Järvholm B, A Burdorf (2024)

Asbestos and disease - a public health success story?.

Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 50(2):53-60.

OBJECTIVE: This paper discusses the failure and success of society to decrease the adverse health effects of asbestos exposure on workers' health in relation to scientific knowledge.

METHODS: The findings are based on a narrative literature review.

RESULTS: Early warnings of the adverse health effects of workplace exposure to asbestos were published already in the 1930s. Serious health effects, such as malignancies and fibrosis due to occupational asbestos exposure, were highlighted in major medical journals and textbooks in late 1960s. New technologies could detect also asbestos fibers in the lung of non-occupational exposed persons in the 1970s. The first bans for using asbestos came in the early 1970s, and more general bans by authorities came in the 1980s and continue until today.

CONCLUSIONS: The rather late recognition of adverse effects of asbestos exposure in the general population and measures to decrease the exposure through more general bans came rather late. However, the very strong measures such as general bans in many countries have been a success. A Swedish study showed that the general ban and other measures have decreased the risk of malignancies due to occupational exposure. The effect of the bans on adverse effects in the general population has yet to be studied. Analysis of fibers in the lungs of persons born after the bans could be an efficient method.

RevDate: 2024-02-27

Elkahwagy DM, Kiriacos CJ, Sobeih ME, et al (2024)

The lncRNAs Gas5, MALAT1 and SNHG8 as diagnostic biomarkers for epithelial malignant pleural mesothelioma in Egyptian patients.

Scientific reports, 14(1):4823.

Long noncoding RNAs have been shown to be involved in a myriad of physiological and pathological pathways. To date, malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is considered an extremely aggressive cancer. One reason for this is the late diagnosis of the disease, which can occur within 30-40 years of asbestos exposure. There is an immense need for the development of new, sensitive, inexpensive and easy methods for the early detection of this disease other than invasive methods such as biopsy. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of circulating lncRNAs in mesothelioma patient plasma to identify potential biomarkers. Ten previously identified lncRNAs that were shown to be aberrantly expressed in mesothelioma tissues were selected as candidates for subsequent validation. The expression of the ten selected candidate lncRNAs was verified via quantitative PCR (qPCR) in human plasma samples from mesothelioma patients versus healthy controls. The expression levels of circulating GAS5, SNHG8 and MALAT1 were significantly greater in plasma samples from patients than in those from controls. The ROC analysis of both MALAT1 and SNHG8 revealed 88.89% sensitivity and 66.67% specificity. The sensitivity of these markers was greater than that of GAS5 (sensitivity 72.22% and specificity 66.67%). The regression model for GAS5 was statistically significant, while that for SNHG8 and MALAT1 was not significant due to the small sample size. The area under the curve (AUC) of the three ROC curves was acceptable and significant: 0.7519 for GAS5, 0.7352 for SNHG8 and 0.7185 for MALAT1. This finding confirmed their ability to be used as markers. The three lncRNAs were not affected by age, sex or smoking status. The three lncRNAs showed great potential as independent predictive diagnostic biomarkers. Although the prediction model for MALAT1 did not significantly differ, MALAT1 was significantly expressed in patients more than in controls (p = 0.0266), and the recorded sensitivity and specificity were greater than those of GAS5.

RevDate: 2024-02-27

Kalla C, Ott G, Finotello F, et al (2024)

The highly selective and oral phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta (PI3K-δ) inhibitor roginolisib induces apoptosis in mesothelioma cells and increases immune effector cell composition.

Translational oncology, 43:101857 pii:S1936-5233(23)00243-7 [Epub ahead of print].

Targeting aberrantly expressed kinases in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a promising therapeutic strategy. We here investigated the effect of the novel and highly selective Phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta (PI3K-δ) inhibitor roginolisib (IOA-244) on MPM cells and on the immune cells in MPM microenvironment. To this aim, we analyzed the expression of PI3K-δ by immunohistochemistry in specimens from primary MPM, cell viability and death in three different MPM cell lines treated with roginolisib alone and in combination with ipatasertib (AKT inhibitor) and sapanisertib (mTOR inhibitor). In a co-culture model of patient-derived MPM cells, autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells and fibroblasts, the tumor cell viability and changes in immune cell composition were investigated after treatment of roginolisib with nivolumab and cisplatin. PI3K-δ was detected in 66/89 (74%) MPM tumors and was associated with reduced overall survival (12 vs. 25 months, P=0.0452). Roginolisib induced apoptosis in MPM cells and enhanced the anti-tumor efficacy of AKT and mTOR kinase inhibitors by suppressing PI3K-δ/AKT/mTOR and ERK1/2 signaling. Furthermore, the combination of roginolisib with chemotherapy and immunotherapy re-balanced the immune cell composition, increasing effector T-cells and reducing immune suppressive cells. Overall, roginolisib induces apoptosis in MPM cells and increases the antitumor immune cell effector function when combined with nivolumab and cisplatin. These results provide first insights on the potential of roginolisib as a therapeutic agent in patients with MPM and its potential in combination with established immunotherapy regimen.

RevDate: 2024-02-27

Congedo MT, West EC, Evangelista J, et al (2024)

The genetic susceptibility in the development of malignant pleural mesothelioma: somatic and germline variants, clinicopathological features and implication in practical medical/surgical care: a narrative review.

Journal of thoracic disease, 16(1):671-687.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a very aggressive primary tumor of the pleura whose main risk factor is exposure to asbestos. However, only a minority of exposed people develops MPM and the incidence of MPM cases without an apparent association with asbestos exposure has been increasing in recent years, suggesting that genetic predisposing factors may play a crucial role. In addition, several studies reported familial cases of MPM, suggesting that heredity may be an important and underestimated feature in MPM development. Several candidate genes have been associated with a predisposition to MPM and most of them play a role in DNA repair mechanisms: overall, approximately 20% of MPM cases may be related to genetic predisposition. A particular category of patients with high susceptibility to MPM is represented by carriers of pathogenic variants in the BAP1 gene. Germline variants in BAP1 predispose to the development of MPM following an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance in the familial cases. MPMs in these patients are significantly less aggressive, and patients require a multidisciplinary approach that involves genetic counseling, medical genetics, pathology, surgical, medical, and radiation oncology expertise. In the present narrative review, we presented a comprehensive overview of genetic susceptibility in the development of MPM.

METHODS: The narrative review is based on a selective literature carried out in PubMed in 2023. Inclusion criteria were original articles in English language, and clinical trials (randomized, prospective, or retrospective).

KEY CONTENT AND FINDINGS: We summarized the somatic and germline variants and the differences in terms of clinicopathological features and prognosis between gene-related MPM (GR-MPM) and asbestos-related MPM (AR-MPM). We also discussed the indications for screening, genetic testing, and surveillance of patients with BAP1 germline variants.

CONCLUSIONS: In this narrative review, we have emphasized that the BAP1 gene's harmful germline variations are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner in familial cases. MPMs in individuals with these variations are less severe, and their medical care necessitates a collaborative effort. Additionally, we have outlined the current therapeutic prospects for MPM, including the possibility of gene-specific therapy, which is currently promising but still requires clinical validation.

RevDate: 2024-02-26

Nazar T, Gopalakrishnabhaktan A, Tashrifwala FAA, et al (2024)

Testicular mesothelioma disguised as hydrocele: a case report.

Journal of medical case reports, 18(1):114.

BACKGROUND: Testicular tumors have many different manifestations. The majority of these cases are presented as an incidental finding during hydrocelectomy. Malignant mesotheliomas are uncommon tumours that can arise from the coelomic epithelium of the pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, and tunica vaginalis.

CASE PRESENTATION: We present a 51-year-old South Asian (Indian) male patient with a rare case of mesothelioma, presenting with right hydrocele, to whom a right hydrocelectomy was performed. Any history of trauma or asbestos exposure was not present. Histopathological and immunohistochemistry reports revealed a malignant mesothelioma of tunica vaginalis. There was no invasion of the tumour to the epididymis and spermatic cord. Imaging studies showed no signs of metastasis. 1 month later, a high inguinal orchidectomy was performed. The patient underwent adjuvant chemotherapy thereafter and is still on follow-up.

CONCLUSION: Although hydrocele is common, detailed evaluation is mandatory to rule out certain rare tumours-testicular and paratesticular variants.

RevDate: 2024-02-26

Qasim A, Allu SVV, Schmidt P, et al (2024)

Comprehensive Review of Mesothelioma Cases: From Diagnosis to Therapeutic Strategies.

Cureus, 16(1):e52859.

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive malignancy typically associated with asbestos exposure. We present the clinical and diagnostic journey of a 63-year-old male carpenter, who presented with concerning symptoms of shortness of breath and total right lung "white-out" on imaging. Comprehensive medical evaluation revealed the presence of malignant pleural mesothelioma. This study underscores the importance of considering mesothelioma as a potential diagnosis in individuals with occupational asbestos exposure and highlights patterns in diagnosing and managing this devastating disease. Early recognition and intervention are essential in improving outcomes for patients diagnosed with mesothelioma.

RevDate: 2024-02-24

Mukhopadhyay D, Cocco P, Orrù S, et al (2024)

The role of MicroRNAs as early biomarkers of asbestos-related lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Pulmonology pii:S2531-0437(24)00015-1 [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: Asbestos is still the leading cause of occupational cancer mortality worldwide. Asbestos-related lung cancer (LC) and malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) prognosis is still poor especially at advanced stage, so early diagnosis biomarkers are needed. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been proposed as potential early diagnostic biomarkers of asbestos-related LC and MPM.

AIM: To evaluate the role of miRNAs as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of asbestos-related LC and MPM by performing a literature systematic review and meta-analysis.

METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE via Ovid, PUBMED and Cochrane library databases were systematically searched up to April 2023 to identify relevant articles. A grey literature search was also conducted using the Google Scholar platform. MeSH and free text terms for 'asbestos', 'occupational exposure', 'lung cancer', 'mesothelioma' and 'miRNAs' were used to search the literature. Our systematic review protocol was registered in the PROSPERO database. Study quality was assessed via the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.

RESULTS: From the search, 331 articles were retrieved, and, after applying our selection criteria, and exclusion of one study for poor quality, 27 studies were included in the review. Most of the studies were hospital-based case-control, conducted in Europe, and evaluated MPM among men only. MiRNAs expression was measured mainly in plasma or serum. MiR-126, miR-132-3p, and miR-103a-3p were the most promising diagnostic biomarkers for MPM, and we estimated a pooled area under the curve (AUC) of 85 %, 73 %, and 50 %, respectively. In relation to MPM prognosis, miR-197‑3p resulted associated with increased survival time. MiR-126, alone and combined with miR-222, was confirmed associated also to LC diagnosis, together with miR-1254 and miR-574-5p; no miRNA was found associated to LC prognosis.

CONCLUSION: Based on our systematic literature review there is suggestive evidence that the expression of specific miRNAs in the blood serum or plasma are associated with asbestos-related LC and MPM diagnosis and prognosis. Further large longitudinal studies are urgently needed to validate these findings and elucidate the underlying mechanisms given the potential important implications for patients' survival.

RevDate: 2024-02-24

Oliveto S, Ritter P, Deroma G, et al (2024)

The Impact of 3D Nichoids and Matrix Stiffness on Primary Malignant Mesothelioma Cells.

Genes, 15(2): pii:genes15020199.

Malignant mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the mesothelium. It is an aggressive and deadly form of cancer that is often caused by exposure to asbestos. At the molecular level, it is characterized by a low number of genetic mutations and high heterogeneity among patients. In this work, we analyzed the plasticity of gene expression of primary mesothelial cancer cells by comparing their properties on 2D versus 3D surfaces. First, we derived from primary human samples four independent primary cancer cells. Then, we used Nichoids, which are micro-engineered 3D substrates, as three-dimensional structures. Nichoids limit the dimension of adhering cells during expansion by counteracting cell migration between adjacent units of a substrate with their microarchitecture. Tumor cells grow effectively on Nichoids, where they show enhanced proliferation. We performed RNAseq analyses on all the samples and compared the gene expression pattern of Nichoid-grown tumor cells to that of cells grown in a 2D culture. The PCA analysis showed that 3D samples were more transcriptionally similar compared to the 2D ones. The 3D Nichoids induced a transcriptional remodeling that affected mainly genes involved in extracellular matrix assembly. Among these genes responsible for collagen formation, COL1A1 and COL5A1 exhibited elevated expression, suggesting changes in matrix stiffness. Overall, our data show that primary mesothelioma cells can be effectively expanded in Nichoids and that 3D growth affects the cells' tensegrity or the mechanical stability of their structure.

RevDate: 2024-02-24

Okado S, Kato T, Hanamatsu Y, et al (2024)

CHST4 Gene as a Potential Predictor of Clinical Outcome in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.

International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4): pii:ijms25042270.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) develops primarily from asbestos exposures and has a poor prognosis. In this study, The Cancer Genome Atlas was used to perform a comprehensive survival analysis, which identified the CHST4 gene as a potential predictor of favorable overall survival for patients with MPM. An enrichment analysis of favorable prognostic genes, including CHST4, showed immune-related ontological terms, whereas an analysis of unfavorable prognostic genes indicated cell-cycle-related terms. CHST4 mRNA expression in MPM was significantly correlated with Bindea immune-gene signatures. To validate the relationship between CHST4 expression and prognosis, we performed an immunohistochemical analysis of CHST4 protein expression in 23 surgical specimens from surgically treated patients with MPM who achieved macroscopic complete resection. The score calculated from the proportion and intensity staining was used to compare the intensity of CHST4 gene expression, which showed that CHST4 expression was stronger in patients with a better postoperative prognosis. The median overall postoperative survival was 107.8 months in the high-expression-score group and 38.0 months in the low-score group (p = 0.044, log-rank test). Survival after recurrence was also significantly improved by CHST4 expression. These results suggest that CHST4 is useful as a prognostic biomarker in MPM.

RevDate: 2024-02-22

Bairos Menezes M, Pedroso de Lima R, Dunões I, et al (2024)

A Complete Response to Pembrolizumab in Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: A Case Report.

Cureus, 16(1):e52716.

Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPeM) is a rare cancer of the peritoneum with a poor prognosis and nonspecific clinical course. We discuss a case of MPeM in a 59-year-old male who presented with abdominal pain and distension, without any known previous asbestos exposure. The diagnosis was made after a second biopsy finally confirmed epithelioid MPeM in an advanced stage with pleural effusion. The patient underwent six cycles of chemotherapy with cisplatin and pemetrexed, experienced disease progression, and was then started on pembrolizumab as a second-line treatment. The patient achieved a complete response after two years of treatment with pembrolizumab and has been disease-free for almost four years with an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0. Despite the lack of evidence to support the treatment with immunotherapy for MPeM, our case report encourages its use, highlighting its ability to enable a complete response with pembrolizumab with an excellent quality of life.

RevDate: 2024-02-20

Mervic A, Goricar K, Blagus T, et al (2024)

Telomere length and TERT polymorphisms as biomarkers in asbestos-related diseases.

Radiology and oncology, 58(1):87-98.

BACKGROUND: Asbestos exposure has been proposed as a risk factor for shorter telomere length. The aim of our study was to investigate whether telomere length in leukocytes and hTERT genetic polymorphisms may serve as potential biomarkers for the risk of developing asbestos-related diseases and as biomarkers of progression and chemotherapy response rate in malignant mesothelioma (MM).

SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We conducted two retrospective studies. In the first study, a case-control study, telomere length and hTERT polymorphisms were determined in patients with MM, subjects with pleural plaques and controls without the asbestos related disease, who were occupationally exposed to asbestos. In the second study, a longitudinal observational study, telomere length was also determined in samples from MM patients before and after chemotherapy. Telomere length was determined by monochromatic multiplex quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), while competitive allele-specific PCR was used to genotype hTERT rs10069690, rs2736100 and rs2736098. Logistic regression and survival analysis were used in statistical analysis.

RESULTS: Patients with MM had shorter telomere length than subjects with pleural plaques (p < 0.001). After adjustment for age, rs2736098 CT, and rs10069690 TT and CT+TT genotypes were significantly associated with a higher risk of MM (padj = 0.023; padj = 0.026 and padj = 0.017), while rs2736100 AA and CA+AA genotypes conferred to a lower risk for MM compared to all other subjects (padj = 0.017, and padj = 0.026). Telomere length was not associated with a response to chemotherapy (p > 0.05) or time to disease progression (p > 0.05). Carriers of one or two polymorphic rs10069690 T alleles had a good response to chemotherapy (p = 0.039, and p = 0.048), these associations remained statistically significant after adjustment for age (padj = 0.019; padj = 0.017). Carriers of two polymorphic rs2736100 A alleles had a longer time to disease progression (p = 0.038).

CONCLUSIONS: Shorter telomere length and hTERT polymorphisms may serve as a biomarker for the risk of developing MM. Additionally, rs10069690 and rs2736100 polymorphisms, but not telomere length, were associated with a chemotherapy response or MM progression.

RevDate: 2024-02-20

Tian T, Xie H, M Huang (2024)

Epithelial Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Mimics Lymphoma on 18F-FDG PET/MRI: A Case Report.

Clinical nuclear medicine pii:00003072-990000000-00947 [Epub ahead of print].

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare tumor with a poor prognosis. We describe a case of 55-year-old man without asbestos exposure history presenting with extensive lymph nodes with high 18F-FDG uptake in PET/MRI but atypical pleural manifestations thereby being misdiagnosed for lymphoma. Pathological examination concludes for an epithelioid mesothelioma-associated lymph node metastasis. This case emphasizes that with the extensive lymph node abnormalities shown in PET imaging, in addition to the general consideration of lymphoma, it is still necessary to be vigilant about the possibility of mesothelioma and emphasizes the necessity of pathological examination.

RevDate: 2024-02-13

Tilsed CM, Morales MLO, Zemek RM, et al (2024)

Tretinoin improves the anti-cancer response to cyclophosphamide, in a model-selective manner.

BMC cancer, 24(1):203.

BACKGROUND: Chemotherapy is included in treatment regimens for many solid cancers, but when administered as a single agent it is rarely curative. The addition of immune checkpoint therapy to standard chemotherapy regimens has improved response rates and increased survival in some cancers. However, most patients do not respond to treatment and immune checkpoint therapy can cause severe side effects. Therefore, there is a need for alternative immunomodulatory drugs that enhance chemotherapy.

METHODS: We used gene expression data from cyclophosphamide (CY) responders and non-responders to identify existing clinically approved drugs that could phenocopy a chemosensitive tumor microenvironment (TME), and tested combination treatments in multiple murine cancer models.

RESULTS: The vitamin A derivative tretinoin was the top predicted upstream regulator of response to CY. Tretinoin pre-treatment induced an inflammatory, interferon-associated TME, with increased infiltration of CD8 + T cells, sensitizing the tumor to subsequent chemotherapy. However, while combination treatment significantly improved survival and cure rate in a CD4[+] and CD8[+] T cell dependent manner in AB1-HA murine mesothelioma, this effect was model-selective, and could not be replicated using other cell lines.

CONCLUSIONS: Despite the promising data in one model, the inability to validate the efficacy of combination treatment in multiple cancer models deprioritizes tretinoin/cyclophosphamide combination therapy for clinical translation.

RevDate: 2024-02-10

Mizuhashi K, Okamoto K, Nabeshima K, et al (2024)

Detailed clinical course of a patient with rapidly progressing sarcomatoid pleural mesothelioma without p16 deletion with systemic haematogenous metastasis to soft tissues.

BMJ case reports, 17(2): pii:17/2/e257618.

Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is difficult to differentiate from other mesotheliomas. Here, we describe the case of a man in his early 80s with sarcomatoid mesothelioma and a history of asbestos exposure. He initially presented with right-sided chest pain and was examined. Right-sided pleural effusion was detected; therefore, he was hospitalised. Based on the observed pleural effusion and biopsy result, the presence of a malignant tumour was excluded; hence, he was diagnosed with benign asbestos pleurisy. He subsequently developed left-sided pleural effusion, masses and lung nodules, and died 9.5 months after the initial examination. A definitive diagnosis of sarcomatoid mesothelioma with rapid systemic progression was established after detailed investigations using autopsy specimens. This rare case of mesothelioma-without p16 deletion (detected using fluorescence in situ hybridisation)-presented differently from the usual sarcomatoid mesothelioma.

RevDate: 2024-02-10

Xiong X, Zhang S, Liao X, et al (2024)

An umbrella review of the evidence associating occupational carcinogens and cancer risk at 19 anatomical sites.

Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) pii:S0269-7491(24)00245-8 [Epub ahead of print].

Occupational exposure to carcinogens of increasing cancer risk have been extensively suggested. A robust assessment of these evidence is needed to guide public policy and health care. We aimed to classify the strength of evidence for associations of 13 occupational carcinogens (OCs) and risk of cancers. We searched PubMed and Web of Science up to November 2022 to identify potentially relevant studies. We graded the evidence into convincing, highly suggestive, suggestive, weak, or not significant according to a standardized classification based on: random-effects p value, number of cancer cases, 95% confidence interval of largest study, heterogeneity between studies, 95% prediction interval, small study effect, excess significance bias and sensitivity analyses with credibility ceilings. The quality of meta-analysis was evaluated by AMSTAR 2. Forty-eight articles yielded 79 meta-analyses were included in current umbrella review. Evidence of associations were convincing (class I) or highly suggeastive (class II) for asbestos exposure and increasing risk of lung cancer among smokers (RR = 8.79, 95%CI: 5.81-13.25 for cohort studies and OR = 8.68, 95%CI: 5.68-13.24 for case-control studies), asbestos exposure and increasing risk of mesothelioma (RR = 4.61, 95%CI: 2.57-8.26), and formaldehyde exposure and increasing risk of sinonasal cancer (RR = 1.68, 95%CI: 1.38-2.05). Fifteen associations were supported by suggestive evidence (class III). In summary, the current umbrella review found strong associations between: asbestos exposure and increasing risk of lung cancer among smokers; asbestos exposure and increasing risk of mesothelioma; and formaldehyde exposure and higher risk of sinonasal cancer. Other associations might be genuine, but substantial uncertainty remains.

RevDate: 2024-02-06

Subahi EA, Fadul A, Mohamed A, et al (2024)

Biphasic Peritoneal Mesothelioma Is a Rare Tumor and a Diagnostic Challenge: A Case Report.

Cureus, 16(1):e51725.

Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare subtype of mesothelioma. There are three main histological subtypes of mesothelioma: epithelioid, sarcomatoid, and biphasic (mixed). Risk factors include asbestos exposure, previous radiation, and some germline mutations. Treatment includes surgical resection of amenable tumors or cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. We present a 34-year-old male who presented with weight loss, night sweats, and pleuritic chest pain and was found to have ascites with peritoneal nodularity on abdominal imaging. He had a history of tuberculosis contact, but no history of asbestos exposure. After a long challenging and interesting diagnostic process, he was subsequently diagnosed with biphasic MPM. The diagnostic challenge stems from not only the rarity of the tumor but also from the absence of risk factors, the unavailability of some special laboratory investigations, in addition to the potentially misleading effect of tuberculosis exposure history, a top differential diagnosis in the case. This is a case report of a really challenging and totally unexpected diagnosis of biphasic peritoneal mesothelioma in a patient with tuberculosis exposure, constitutional symptoms, but no history of asbestos exposure. It highlights the diagnostic process as well as the importance of early diagnosis to improve the overall survival of such malignancies.

RevDate: 2024-02-01

Fitzgerald SM (2024)

Resolving asbestos and ultrafine particulate definitions with carcinogenicity.

Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 189:107478 pii:S0169-5002(24)00011-4 [Epub ahead of print].

As asbestos fibers and other fine particles have been studied extensively to correlate physical and chemical properties with their potential for negative human health impact on inhalation, there remains no concise definitions for the individual particle types nor collective considerations of combined variabilities. Extensive studies relating negative health to asbestos morphology, chemistry, surface effects, and biodurability form general qualitative bins of what is more likely causative or less, but do not provide enough information to quantitatively dismiss particles with parameters outside any given range. Further, natural mineral species and accessory mineralization makes standardization of universally applicable reference materials nearly unobtainable. With modern advent of engineered nanoparticles, we are adding even more unknowns to the universe of the microscopic size fraction and its potential for human disease, and our paradigm is challenged.

RevDate: 2024-02-01

Alratrout H, Boumarah DN, Alghusnah ES, et al (2023)

Synchronous Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma: a Challenging Clinical Entity.

Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 77(5):400-404.

BACKGROUND: Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPM) represents a rare clinical entity. The synchronous existence of MPM with other malignancies as colonic adenocarcinoma have been rarely reported. Its diagnosis and management are challenging given its complexity and rarity.

OBJECTIVE: Herein, we report a case of epithelioid subtype of MPM occurring synchronously with sigmoid colonic adenocarcinoma, along with review of the literature.

CASE PRESENTATION: An elderly female patient was referred as case of rectosigmoid mass. She reported history of abdominal pain, per-rectal bleeding, anorexia, and significant weight loss. Her computed-tomography scan of the abdomen revealed a fistulizing sigmoid mass and multiple enlarged lymphnodes with omental nodulation. The colonoscopy revealed a large fungating mass and the endoscopic biopsies were reported as colonic adenocarcinoma. The patient was scheduled laparoscopic low anterior resection. However, the diagnostic laparoscopy revealed several nodules disseminated all over the peritoneum, suggestive of peritoneal mesothelioma. Therefore, the decision was changed to create transverse colostomy after examination obtaining multiple biopsies from the omental and peritoneal nodules. The histopathological revealed MPM and the final diagnosis was sigmoid adenocarcinoma with synchronous MPM. The patient was started on palliative chemotherapy (capecitabine) without active management of MPM because of her general condition. She was followed up with a good clinical course.

CONCLUSION: MPM is an overlooked entity with vague clinical presentation. Synchronous MPM with colorectal cancer is rare with only few published case reports. Its diagnosis is challenging, and its management should be tailored according to the patient. This case is the first reported case in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

RevDate: 2024-01-31

Reamon-Buettner SM, Rittinghausen S, Klauke A, et al (2024)

Malignant peritoneal mesotheliomas of rats induced by multiwalled carbon nanotubes and amosite asbestos: transcriptome and epigenetic profiles.

Particle and fibre toxicology, 21(1):3.

BACKGROUND: Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that often originates in the pleural and peritoneal mesothelium. Exposure to asbestos is a frequent cause. However, studies in rodents have shown that certain multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can also induce malignant mesothelioma. The exact mechanisms are still unclear. To gain further insights into molecular pathways leading to carcinogenesis, we analyzed tumors in Wistar rats induced by intraperitoneal application of MWCNTs and amosite asbestos. Using transcriptomic and epigenetic approaches, we compared the tumors by inducer (MWCNTs or amosite asbestos) or by tumor type (sarcomatoid, epithelioid, or biphasic).

RESULTS: Genome-wide transcriptome datasets, whether grouped by inducer or tumor type, showed a high number of significant differentially expressed genes (DEGs) relative to control peritoneal tissues. Bioinformatic evaluations using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) revealed that while the transcriptome datasets shared commonalities, they also showed differences in DEGs, regulated canonical pathways, and affected molecular functions. In all datasets, among highly- scoring predicted canonical pathways were Phagosome Formation, IL8 Signaling, Integrin Signaling, RAC Signaling, and TREM1 Signaling. Top-scoring activated molecular functions included cell movement, invasion of cells, migration of cells, cell transformation, and metastasis. Notably, we found many genes associated with malignant mesothelioma in humans, which showed similar expression changes in the rat tumor transcriptome datasets. Furthermore, RT-qPCR revealed downregulation of Hrasls, Nr4a1, Fgfr4, and Ret or upregulation of Rnd3 and Gadd45b in all or most of the 36 tumors analyzed. Bisulfite sequencing of Hrasls, Nr4a1, Fgfr4, and Ret revealed heterogeneity in DNA methylation of promoter regions. However, higher methylation percentages were observed in some tumors compared to control tissues. Lastly, global 5mC DNA, m6A RNA and 5mC RNA methylation levels were also higher in tumors than in control tissues.

CONCLUSIONS: Our findings may help better understand how exposure to MWCNTs can lead to carcinogenesis. This information is valuable for risk assessment and in the development of safe-by-design strategies.

RevDate: 2024-01-31

Tagarakis G, Tsolaki F, I Tagarakis (2024)

Commentary: The role of single nucleotide polymorphisms related to iron homeostasis in mesothelioma susceptibility after asbestos exposure: a genetic study on autoptic samples.

Frontiers in public health, 12:1336545.

RevDate: 2024-01-31

Fazzo L, Grande E, Zona A, et al (2023)

Mortality rates from asbestos-related diseases in Italy during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frontiers in public health, 11:1243261.

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Patients with interstitial lung diseases, including asbestosis, showed high susceptibility to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and a high risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms. Italy, highly impacted by asbestos-related diseases, in 2020 was among the European countries with the highest number of COVID-19 cases. The mortality related to malignant mesotheliomas and asbestosis in 2020 and its relationship with COVID-19 in Italy are investigated.

METHODS: All death certificates involving malignant mesotheliomas or asbestosis in 2010-2020 and those involving COVID-19 in 2020 were retrieved from the National Registry of Causes of Death. Annual mortality rates and rate ratios (RRs) of 2020 and 2010-2014 compared to 2015-2019 were calculated. The association between malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) and asbestosis with COVID-19 in deceased adults ≥80 years old was evaluated through a logistic regression analysis (odds ratios: ORs), using MPM and asbestosis deaths COVID-19-free as the reference group. The hospitalization for asbestosis in 2010-2020, based on National Hospital Discharge Database, was analyzed.

RESULTS: In 2020, 746,343 people died; out of them, 1,348 involved MPM and 286 involved asbestosis. Compared to the period 2015-2019, the mortality involving the two diseases decreased in age groups below 80 years; meanwhile, an increasing trend was observed in subjects aged 80 years and older, with a relative mortality risks of 1.10 for MPM and 1.17 for asbestosis. In subjects aged ≥80 years, deaths with COVID-19 were less likely to have MPM in both genders (men: OR = 0.22; women: OR = 0.44), while no departure was observed for asbestosis. A decrease in hospitalization in 2020 with respect to those in 2010-2019 in all age groups, both considering asbestosis as the primary or secondary diagnosis, was observed.

CONCLUSIONS: The increasing mortality involving asbestosis and, even if of slight entity, MPM, observed in people aged over 80 years during the 1[st] year of the COVID-19 pandemic, aligned in part with the previous temporal trend, could be due to several factors. Although no positive association with COVID-19 mortality was observed, the decrease in hospitalizations for asbestosis among individuals aged over 80 years, coupled with the increase in deaths, highlights the importance of enhancing home-based assistance during the pandemic periods for vulnerable patients with asbestos-related conditions.


RJR Experience and Expertise


Robbins holds BS, MS, and PhD degrees in the life sciences. He served as a tenured faculty member in the Zoology and Biological Science departments at Michigan State University. He is currently exploring the intersection between genomics, microbial ecology, and biodiversity — an area that promises to transform our understanding of the biosphere.


Robbins has extensive experience in college-level education: At MSU he taught introductory biology, genetics, and population genetics. At JHU, he was an instructor for a special course on biological database design. At FHCRC, he team-taught a graduate-level course on the history of genetics. At Bellevue College he taught medical informatics.


Robbins has been involved in science administration at both the federal and the institutional levels. At NSF he was a program officer for database activities in the life sciences, at DOE he was a program officer for information infrastructure in the human genome project. At the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, he served as a vice president for fifteen years.


Robbins has been involved with information technology since writing his first Fortran program as a college student. At NSF he was the first program officer for database activities in the life sciences. At JHU he held an appointment in the CS department and served as director of the informatics core for the Genome Data Base. At the FHCRC he was VP for Information Technology.


While still at Michigan State, Robbins started his first publishing venture, founding a small company that addressed the short-run publishing needs of instructors in very large undergraduate classes. For more than 20 years, Robbins has been operating The Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project, a web site dedicated to the digital publishing of critical works in science, especially classical genetics.


Robbins is well-known for his speaking abilities and is often called upon to provide keynote or plenary addresses at international meetings. For example, in July, 2012, he gave a well-received keynote address at the Global Biodiversity Informatics Congress, sponsored by GBIF and held in Copenhagen. The slides from that talk can be seen HERE.


Robbins is a skilled meeting facilitator. He prefers a participatory approach, with part of the meeting involving dynamic breakout groups, created by the participants in real time: (1) individuals propose breakout groups; (2) everyone signs up for one (or more) groups; (3) the groups with the most interested parties then meet, with reports from each group presented and discussed in a subsequent plenary session.


Robbins has been engaged with photography and design since the 1960s, when he worked for a professional photography laboratory. He now prefers digital photography and tools for their precision and reproducibility. He designed his first web site more than 20 years ago and he personally designed and implemented this web site. He engages in graphic design as a hobby.

963 Red Tail Lane
Bellingham, WA 98226


E-mail: RJR8222@gmail.com

Collection of publications by R J Robbins

Reprints and preprints of publications, slide presentations, instructional materials, and data compilations written or prepared by Robert Robbins. Most papers deal with computational biology, genome informatics, using information technology to support biomedical research, and related matters.

Research Gate page for R J Robbins

ResearchGate is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. According to a study by Nature and an article in Times Higher Education , it is the largest academic social network in terms of active users.

Curriculum Vitae for R J Robbins

short personal version

Curriculum Vitae for R J Robbins

long standard version

RJR Picks from Around the Web (updated 11 MAY 2018 )